Peek In Our Week % Mr. John’s Class % Week Of April 19, 2021

Buckeye Room Bulletin


Line Time:
Just working on International Festival stuff.  


Did You Know (Johnny Appleseed was a lush?):
Yes, there was a real “Johnny Appleseed” named John Chapman who planted thousands of apple trees on U.S. soil. But the apples on those trees were much more bitter than the ones you’d find in the supermarket today. The apples that “Johnny Appleseed” Chapman favored for planting were small and tart “spitters”—named for what you’d likely do if you took a bite of one. But this made them ideal for making hard cider and applejack. This was a far more valuable crop than edible apples. 



A Message From Mr. John (My Fave Time of the School Day):



Know Your Languages (Turkish):



Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 26 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew, Korean, Irish, Kiswahili, Irish, Welsh, Dutch/Flemmish, Polish, Serbo-Croation, Cebuano, Malay, Farsi)



Peek In Our Classroom:

A student painting their section of our African Hut.


A student painting her African mask.


Finished African Masks


Finished African Hut.


Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Food Chains

Letter Of The Week- A a

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bib

Next Language is Turkish


Upcoming Events:
***  Just ask me want I want for my birthday.  ***


Academic Enrichment:
Weekly Theme: Adjectives, they describe nouns and pronouns.

We practiced writing sentences in cursive.

Next Week’s Lesson:
Weekly Theme: Adverbs (describes verbs {adjectives and other pronouns})

Synonym Of The Week: Talk: speak, chat, gab, yak

Sight Words Of The Week: word when


Just some cool Kinders.



Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

You should have seen the other guy.


The return of the dreaded Raspberry Fingers.


I asked her if she lost her glasses. Nope! I asked her if she shaved her mustache. Nope! She got a haircut!!! Do you consider this a reoccurring “Dad Joke”?


He said it was a trap. For what? I do not know.








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