Weekly Theme: This week we looked at the Amphibian. We talked about how the Amphibians are vertebrates, cold blooded, their skin is soft and moist, and they are born from jelly eggs. Some examples of Amphibians are toads, frogs, and salamanders. We learned that the term amphibian means of two worlds. Amphibians are born in the water but live their life on land. The children enjoyed getting a closer look at our toads, Stiv and Darby and the Pac Man Frog, En Esch.
Cultural Subjects:
Our students can count to ten in 10 different languages (English, Sign Language, Latin, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian)
The Montessori classroom has ages ranging from 2 1/2 to 6 years old. Here is a picture of the tallest/oldest and shortest/youngest students in the classroom.
The puzzle maps are found in the Cultural Subject area. They are colorful materials representing the continents and The United States of America. The objective of this material is to introduce the child to a sensorial activity related to working with the countries/ continents of the world. This child is tracing and labeling each state which she is practicing handwriting and fine motor skills.
This child is working with the stringing large bead work that is found in the Practical Life area. The purpose of this work is to develope fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, patience, concentration. The main aim in the Practical Life area is O.C.C.I. (order, concentration, coordination, and independence).
This child is working on Picture to Picture Matching found in our Language area. This material has a variety of interesting pictures that he will match picture cards to the picture frame. The purpose of this material is to develope language by creating a dialogue between teacher and student about the pictures being used. This also develops visual discrimination and concentration.
This person is a field student from the University of Akron. Absorbent Minds Montessori School and The University of Akron have a relationship where field students are invited to our school to experience the Montessori classroom.
Sneak Peek Into Next Week: We will be learning about Fish, the characteristics and examples of.