Line Time Lessons: ‘Tis the season for the Christmas Show practices. We started to practice and will be practicing for the next few weeks. My class is trying something a little different this year. We are going in the “Way Back Machine” to Merry Old England and performing two traditional carols. They are a bit different in melody but I know our extraordinary students will be able to pull it off.
Peek Into My Classroom:
We had a pair of alumni come in to visit, read, and tell our students about their experience at their new school. You’re not seeing double they are twins.
This student is working on one of her her assignments in her kindergarten binder. She is working on her 100 page. This where she writes from 1 to 100. Then 101 to 200 and so on. This develops her concentration, betters her handwriting, and helps her recognize patterns.
This student is working with money. She already knows the value of each coin and now she is counting change. She is also familiar with “paper money”.
We have discussed the visual discrimination of the Pink Tower and Brown Stairs but this child has found the relationship between the two materials. Students will match the corresponding pieces of these material. This student did match the the corresponding pieces but he took it to another level and made this creation.
This happy boy is proud of his accomplishment with the Ten Board. The purpose of this material is to associate quantities with symbols(1 ten is 10, 2 tens is 20…). He has learned how to include “units” with the “tens” to compose numbers from 11 to 99. As you can see he has four 10’s and five units to make 45. It looks like he discovered a pattern by composing 23, 34, 45…
Peek Into Next Week: Christmas show practice and we will learn about different Christmas Traditions from around the world.
Upcoming Events: Christmas Show Attire: Red and/or white
December 13: Christmas Show Practice 6 pm to 8 pm at Cuyahoga Falls High School
December 15: Christmas Show 6:30 pm to 8 pm at Cuyahoga Falls High School (NO AFTERCARE)