Happy Birthday:

Peek In Our Week:
I just wanted to say your children did a great job at the Christmas Show!!!! Those two songs they sung were very difficult pieces to sing. The church I attend has an extremely accomplished music program and the Men’s, Women’s, Children’s (age 8 to voice changing for boys) sing these songs on Christmas Eve to a packed house. Very seasoned choristers that practice five hours a week. I wanted to do something different and the set up for this year’s show gave me that opportunity. I felt these Carols were very beautiful songs and the students would be more than qualified to pull it off. The soloists that did Past 3 O’ Clock did a very fine job. My daughter, niece, and nephew were all soloists for this song at age 12, my youngest son did it at age 9. I was so impressed the two 6 year old students did so well. I do want to thank all of the staff involved from teachers practicing with the children to the office staff securing the location to mapping out EVERYTHING that needed to be done. Of course, I wanted to thank the parents for everything you did including taking your children to the restroom before the show. The Absorbent Minds Montessori School Family is truly a special one.
Peek Into The Next Work Week:
Winter Break ENDS: Wednesday 1/3/2018 :))
Line Time: Reintroducing Ground Rules
Letter Of The Week: N n
Rhyming Word Of The Week: bob
Start bringing in the family trees.
**Students will need snowpants, winter coat, gloves or mittens, hats, and boots to be able to go out for recess.**