A Peek at Our Week | Elementary | Week of February 3

“Children are great imitators, so give them something great to imitate.”

Welcome to February! This week, I was reminded of the importance of humility, and that the students are always watching. Each Monday, we give new math lessons. This Monday was especially challenging with many of us being up late to watch the Super Bowl. For some reason, I had planned to present a lot of challenging math that day, as well. By the end of the week, I had two third graders get a long division equation correct, while I was wrong, and was unable (at first) to figure out the problem in an abstract square root equation that a sixth and third grader were stuck on. In both cases, it would have been easier for me to whip out a calculator to find the answer instead of solving it on paper like the kids had. But what would they learn from that? That I get to take the easy way out, while they have to check and recheck to find their mistakes? How would that prepare them to persevere as adults? Instead, with each group, I took the time on paper, using their work and mine, to walk through the equations to find the mistakes. In the case of the square root, it took us over thirty minutes, but we pushed through, we talked through it, we consulted others, and we finally got it – together. Think about all of the life lessons they each learned in those extra few minutes that we didn’t really have to take. Give children something great to imitate.

Lower Elementary

These third year students are completing their human body research . This month they focused on the digestive system. We did an experiment to discover the properties of chyme and talked about the esophagus, the stomach, the small intestine, the large intestine, and the pancreas.
These second year students are working on their World’s Fair research! Each student has a country that they are learning about. We have researched their government, the geographic features, the languages, the customs, and much more!

Upper Elementary

Our fourth year students are studying multiples and factors. We have tables for students to record all the multiples of numbers 1 to 100, then another table to write down all of the factors of 1 to 100. When they complete the table of factors, we will talk more about prime numbers and how they can help us throughout our math work!
Our fourth year students are also studying viruses! Each student chose a virus, then chose to research a disease caused by the virus. In their research, they need to find the history of the virus, the symptoms, and the ways scientists are controlling it. After their research, they need to build a 3D model of their virus for their presentations. Here, to prepare, we made a model of Adenovirus, which is an icosahedral shaped virus with double-stranded DNA! Our model is one million times larger than an actual adenovirus, which is only as large at 90 nanometers.


  • “Parent Work Time” – click here to sign up!
  • Our student-only Valentine’s Parties are Friday, February 14! Your child can bring in Valentine’s for their friends if they wish! We have 10 students attending the first and second year party and 13 attending the third through sixth party. Please send in all items you have signed-up to donate by Wednesday, February 12, at drop off! Below you will find the links for each party, in case you need a reminder of what you signed up for.


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