A Peek in Our Week | Elementary | Week of February 25

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” – WB Yeats

This week the Elementary students started their displays for the Wax Museum. Our first graders were introduced to a number line and measured their friends. Our second year students researched land forms made of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock. Our third year students learned to make a bar graph using Google Sheets and continued researching weather damage. Our fourth year students were introduced to their final early humans, the Cro-Magnon group of Homo sapiens. Our fifth year students researched different homes throughout ancient civilizations. If you are interested in being part of Providence Classical School visit https://www.pcsclassical.org/ your child is receiving the best possible education with us.

The third year students researched “Plants from the Continents.” They looked at each plant and tried to determine where it would grow best. After checking their work, they chose one plant from each continent to research for next week.
This week the third year students learned how to turn a bar graph on paper into a digital, 3D bar graph on Google Sheets. They chose a topic, polled their peers, and graphed the data on bar graph paper. When they were finished, they input the data into Google Sheets to create their digital bar graph. They then saved the bar graph to our class Drive. The students were so excited to see what different graphs they could form!
These students wanted to create something. They found Plaster of Paris in the Art Cabinet and decided to make a model of a bird. They worked together to mix the plaster, but then realized they added too much water and decided to strain out what they could. They did end up with an interesting final project that we are excited to see painted and presented next week!
Here, a couple first years and our visiting kindergarten students are working on assembling our number line. The students all made sure the line was in correct order and was assembled correctly so their measurements would be accurate. Our kindergarten visitors ended up being the exact same height, which was fun to see, while our first year students were all within a few inches of each other. Soon, they will learn to add and subtract on this line. Then, they will use it to solve word problems!
One of our second year friends is showing a kindergarten visitor our Solar System models. They worked together to put the planets in order and then talked about what they have previously learned about space! We had a great time with our visitors this week.

A Peek at Next Week”

Next week, we will wrap up our Wax Museum project to begin practicing for the big day (Monday, March 18)! Our Lower Elementary students will study March Holidays and will begin researching Asian animals. Our first year students will be introduced to the pronoun, will begin to study two straight lines on the same plane, and will discuss the external parts of an annelid (like the earthworm)! Our second year students will continue studying angles and will discuss the main characteristics of a reptile. Our third year students will be introduced to homographs, will continue studying equivalence with the Metal Insets, and will discuss the internal systems of amphibians. Our fourth year students will make a timeline of all early humans, will discuss the indicative mood of verbs, and will subtract fractions with unlike denominators. Our fifth year students will look at transmogrified words, will be introduced to Pi, and will begin studying square roots (Wow!)!


  • Monday, March 4 – NO SCHOOL FOR ELEMENTARY – Student/Parent Conferences – Please refer to your email for your scheduled time. Your child must attend this conference.
  • WAX MUSEUM – Monday, March 18 – We will also hold a Bake Sale at this event. Details to follow soon.
  • SPRING BREAK – Thursday, March 21 – Friday, March 29

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