A Peek at Our Week | Elementary | Week of February 19

“The main thing is that the groups should contain different ages, because it has great influence on the cultural development of the child. This is obtained by the relations of the children among themselves. You cannot imagine how well a young child learns from an older child; how patient the older child is with the difficulties of the younger.” – Maria Montessori

This week we had the privilege of a visit from our first two kindergarten students! Before their visit, our older students prepared themselves and the classroom. We discussed how we could help the kindergarten students, what supplies we needed to gather for them, why we should help them, and reflected on times we have been new to an environment. Older students are paired up with the visiting students to act as a mentor. The visit always begins with a tour, then different students take turns sharing their knowledge of our materials and expectations. While we see the benefits of a multi-age classroom every day, it is especially wonderful to see the patience and generosity of our elementary students with the kindergarten visitors.

This second year student is helping our kindergarten visitor with compound words. Our second grader even wrote the name of the lesson on a white board for the kindergarten student to copy down, just like we do during a lesson.
This second year student is helping a kindergarten student with the six cubic chain. They worked together to count the multiples of six, then our second grader shared the other work that we can do with the bead chains!
All of our students have worked throughout January and February to research a country of their choice in Europe. Students had fourteen research topics to explore. After recording their findings on note cards and collecting their research information for a bibliography, students worked together to compile their information into a research paper. Each student took a turn completing a part of the assignment – a cover page, the report, and a bibliography. Look for these to be displayed next week!
We were so excited to welcome Mrs. Taiclet into our room to discuss the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system with us this week! We learned the parts of the brain, how the brain controls different parts of our bodies, how we can strengthen different hemispheres, and different tests doctors and nurses use to determine if you have an injury.
Students practiced tests that doctors and nurses use, examined a model of the brain, and were able to see the nerves and cartilage in our spine! Thank you so much, Stacey!
Our first “Going Out Experience” of the year was a blast! Our students learned about fish and sea creatures from all over the world. We were able to touch the shell of an African Tortoise, the back of a stingray, and different small sea creatures. We learned about the three types of sharks the aquarium has – nurse sharks, sand tiger sharks, and sandbar sharks. Students were excited to ask questions of a scuba diver right in the tank! Thank you to our two students that planned the trip and our parent drivers!
Our fourth grade student brought his Cell Model to share with the class today. The Cell Model is a home project assigned to fourth year students during their study of plant and animal cells in the classroom. This student decided to make an animal cell out of pizza. He then explained the parts of the cell and their function to the class. Students were invited to enjoy his cell, if they wanted. Check out the next photo to see his labeled parts!

A Peek into Next Week

Next week Lower Elementary students will measure and solve equations with number lines, will solve currency word problems, and study the adverb. Third year students will learn Euclid’s Theorem! Upper Elementary students will multiply with Napier’s Bones, research new finds in their study of early humans, and teach their peers about viruses in a “contagious” activity!


  • Enrollment for next year is already taking place. We are planning to have a large elementary group so please fill out your forms in a timely manner in order to save a spot for your child!
  • Student-Led Conferences are taking place Monday, March 5. This is a NO SCHOOL DAY for Elementary. Please look for my email this weekend for your scheduled time. We choose the time for each family for this conference in order to ensure materials will be available for each child.
  • The Science Fair will take place during the evening on Tuesday, March 20. Please look for my email this weekend about the supplies your child will need.
  • Open House – Tallmadge Campus – Saturday, March 3. Please share our Facebook post with your friends and family!

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