A Peek at Our Week in the Cherry Blossom Classroom!
We continued our classroom study of Fall and the change of seasons, with a focus this week on trees. We discussed the parts of a tree, as well as its life cycle. We even practiced being a tree as we practiced yoga and mindfulness.
This week was also our very first Wildlife Wednesday! On Wildlife Wednesdays we will travel outdoors, weather permitting, to explore all that nature can teach us. This week our focus was on the change of seasons and how that was effecting the trees. We were scientists using our five senses! We observed, took notes, and had a wonderful discussion about all of the changes we noticed!

We also had a new Enrichment begin this week! Our after school instructor Miss Emily will be visiting our class on Fridays to teach us American Sign Language! We practiced our letters and were introduced to the signs for colors. We already use some ASL signs during our day so we are very excited to learn more from Miss Emily this year!

The Cherry Blossom Class has been loving this warm fall weather!

Even firefighters have some learning to do! We were lucky enough to watch the firefighters practice using their hoses in our parking lot this week!

Peek Into Next Week!
We will continue to learn about Fall/Autumn, as well as study the Parts of a Leaf. We will be discussing why leaves are so important to trees and why they change colors in the fall.
Letter: Nn
Number: Review 1-5