A Peek at Our Week in the Cherry Blossom Classroom!
Happy New Year and Welcome Back Cherry Blossoms! We hope you had a restful, healthy winter break and a wonderful holiday season with your families.
This week we jumped right back into learning! We were quite surprised to learn that the month, year, and season changed while we were at home for winter break! We said hello to January, practiced saying 2022, and discussed what is special about the winter season.
Check out what new winter works are on our shelves!

The best part of winter weather is snow! We took some time this week to learn all about snowflakes. We learned that ice crystals form inside clouds, the ice crystals then stick together to form snowflakes! We know that snowflakes have 6 points and that it is unlikely that any two snowflakes look exactly the same!

Our New Number Blocks!
One of our amazing families donated these number blocks to our classroom. We are enjoying using them to explore putting numbers in order and seeing that they grow from small to big or big to small. We’re also using these number blocks to start an exploration with addition!

Enrichment Spotlight – Science with Mr. John!
Mr. John introduced us to absorbency this week. We saw how much water a paper towel will absorb vs. a diaper! And one of our friends found out what happens when there’s not enough absorbency for all of the water!

Peek Into Next Week!
Focus Topic: Winter/Adaptation, Hibernation, Migration
Letter of the Week: Mm
Number of the Week: 1-10 with the Colored Bead Bars
Important Dates: January 17: NO SCHOOL – MLK Jr. Day