A Peek at Our Week in the Cherry Blossom Classroom!
We continued our study of Healthy Bodies this week by learning about Internal Organs. We really had a lot of fun learning about what happens inside of our bodies and the special jobs our organs do. Ask your child about the brain, heart, lungs, stomach, kidneys, and intestines. I am sure they would love to share what they learned with you!
We also continued our study of Food Groups during Preschool Lesson with Ms. Sam. We put together a fun Food Groups book so we can talk all about food groups with our families at home!
Happy Half Birthday to our summer birthday!
Enrichment Spotlight – Art with Ms. Varela!
Ms. Varela introduced us to a type of art called “figure 8’s”. We used sharpies to create our shapes, markers to color our shapes in, and then oil pastels over the markers. We really enjoyed this project!
The Birds Found Our Feeders!
Peek Into Next Week!
Focus Topic: Bodies: Skeleton and Muscles; Chinese New Year; Groundhog’s Day
Letter of the Week: Kk
Number of the Week: 12
Important Dates: February 14: Valentine’s Day – Pajama Day & Show and Tell
February 18: NO SCHOOL – Teacher Inservice Day
February 21: NO SCHOOL – President’s Day
Bring Your Parent To Work Days: Come observe your child working within the classroom to see what their day looks like! Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090b48a8a92da6f94-bring7