The Buckeye Room Bulletin
Line Time:
Mammals-This past week we learned about Mammals. Mammals are vertebrates (have a spine or backbone), warm blooded (their body temperature does not change), have hair or fur, live bearers, and eat/drink mother’s milk when young. Some mammals live in the water such as dolphins and whales. The only mammal that can fly is the bat! Cats, dogs, elephants, and rats are mammals. Oh, and people are mammals as well. “Are we not men? We are MAMMALS………. ”

I have to do this every year…. If you want to play Six Degrees Of Separation for DEVO, Mark Mothersbaugh’s (front man for DEVO) brother does the confirmation classes for my church. Also, I do childcare at the church and I have cared for his niece’s children. I know useless but interesting information. Bonus trivia: Mark Mothersbaugh went to Woodridge High School.
Did you know?
Since football season is upon us it would be apropos to share this knowledge of the defensive term of “Blitz”. The term “Blitz” comes from the German word blitzkrieg, which means, “lightning war.” In World War II, the Germans employed this tactic which emphasized mobile forces attacking with speed and surprise.

A Message From Mr. John (Music Fills My Soul):
Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 10 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect).
Know Your Languages (Arabic With The Lebanese Dialect):
Peek In The Classroom:

Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Reptiles
Letter Of The Week- G g
Rhyming Word Of The Week- bid
Next Language is Italian
Academic Enrichment aka kindergarten:
Biggest to smallest where we live- We discovered we live in the vast galaxy of the Milky Way (not the candy bar), then we are still in space and live in a group of planets called The Solar System. Then the planet we live is the planet Earth. Once we touched down we found we live in the Northwestern Hemisphere and live on the continent of North America. Once we found land we live in the country of The United States Of America and live in the great state of Ohio (Go Buckeyes). We all live in Summit County but live in different cities and have different addresses and phone numbers. What a journey it was!

We practiced writing in cursive Ss, Tt, Uu
Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Landforms
Synonym Of The Week: ACTIVE: lively, energetic, dynamic, vigorous
Sight Words Of The Week: you his
Upcoming Events:
Picture Day- Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Halloween Party- Friday, October 29, 2021 (details to follow)
Frolic, Friends, and Fun:

Your Kids Say The Darndest Things (I Like School):