Peek Into The Week | Academic Enrichment, Cuyahoga Falls | Week Of 3/5/2018

This week we started our journey into the wonderful world of grammar.  This week we started off  learning what the vowels ( a, e, i, o, u) and consonants (the rest of the letters)  are.



Cultural Subjects:

We can now count to ten in 26 different languages (English, Sign Language, Latin, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, Welsh,  Dutch/Flemmish, Polish, Serbo-Croation, Cebuano, Malay, and Hindi).


Next Week:

Nouns and Verbs

Synonym of the Week:  mean

Sight Words:  have this

Language to be added:  Farsi

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