Kindergarten Lessons:
Math is a wonderful thing!
Week Of 2/5/2018:
The kindergarten students learned how to divide using manipulatives (Stamp Game). They learned static division (without borrowing) and dynamic division (with borrowing).
Purpose For The Stamp Game:
The stamp game is a tool for learning and reinforcing knowledge of the four maths operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Week Of 2/12/2018:
We broke away from the four operations and learned about fractions.
The purpose of fractions are to help the child gain a sensorial impression of fraction, introduction to the concept and notation of fractions, sensorial exploration of equivalency among fraction. We divided things like circles, triangles, and rectangles. We divided the class into boys/girls, Mr. John’s Students/Ms. Kate’s Students, and Buckeye Fans/xicigan fans. No ficigan fans were found.
Cultural Subjects:
We can now count to ten in 21 different languages (English, Sign Language, Latin, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagolog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, Welsh, Dutch/Flemmish, and Polish),
since we really focus on the language part of the education, so we try to teach as many languages as possible, and also give dialectical therapy for the kids that needed.
Peek Into the Next Few Weeks:
Week of 2/19/2018:
Geometry– Geometric Cabinet and Construction Boxes
Language– We will be adding Serbo-Croation
Synonym of the week– Dry
Sight words of the week– Would About
Week of 2/26/2018:
More Shapes– Review of last week’s shapes and adding the Geometric Solids
Language– We will be adding Cebuano
Synonym of the week– Wet
Sight words of the week– Write Them