Peek In Our Week ÷ Mr. John’s Class ÷ Week Of May 3, 2021

 Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
Baby Animals- 
This week we looked at names of baby animals.  I started out by saying that most people call human children “kids” and in reality a kid is a baby goat. with that said here are some other baby animal names.

Bear, lion, tiger- Cub
Cat- Kitten
Dog, seal, walrus- Pup
Cow, elephant, whale- Calf
Goat- Kid
Pig- Piglet
Kangaroo, koala- Joey




Did You Know? (Poor Ronald):
For decades, Ronald McDonald has been the face of McDonald’s, but in recent years… not so much, and it turns out that people have been calling for his head for a long time. 

There was a major push back in 2011 to retire him. Why? Because, petitions said, he was being used to market unhealthy fast food items to kids, and that wasn’t good.  McDonald’s was shifting their marketing more toward adults, and had already gotten rid of most of their other McDonaldland characters. Still, Ronald was being increasingly more often lumped in with mascots like Joe Camel, who represented a company now condemned for trying to make cigarettes appeal to the youth.  Below was my McDonald’s experience with the placemat as a child.


A Message From Mr. John (The Breakfast Club) :



Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 27 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew, Korean, Irish, Kiswahili, Irish, Welsh, Dutch/Flemmish, Polish, Serbo-Croation, Cebuano, Malay, Farsi, Turkish)


Peek In The Classroom:

He is working on the Trinomial Cube found in the Sensorial area. As with all Montessori sensorial materials, the cube has both a direct and an indirect purpose. The direct purpose of the binomial and trinomial cubes is for the child to practice the steps to properly disassemble and build the cube, while refining dexterity and visual acuity.


She is working with the Geometric Solids. The Geometric Solids are one of many Montessori materials that challenge and shape a child’s stereognostic sense, which is their ability to perceive and understand both the form and nature of objects through touch. By working with these materials, children become aware of how shapes form the basis for everyday objects.


Each of these two girls are working on their own math material


He is working on the Teen Board. Montessori Tens Board with Beads, also called Seguin Board B or Seguin Board 2 teaches a child (3-5 yo approx.) to associate the quantities and symbols from 10 to 90. Using the Tens Boards, the child explores the number names of the tens and the sequence of numbers 11–99. Notice he chose to compose 46…. hmmmm wonder who in his family is that age?


Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Animal groups

Letter Of The Week-I i

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bud


Academic Enrichment:
Line Time: We added the conjunction to our stable of parts of speech.  The conjunction acts as a bridge between two sentences and make a sentence flow better.

They(pronoun) gently(adverb) toss(verb) an(article) amber(adjective) apple(noun).


We practiced writing sentences in cursive.

Next Week’s Lesson:
Weekly Theme: Preposition.  It is a where word n a werewolf!

Synonym Of The Week: DULL, dark, dreary, somber, boring, tedious

Sight Words Of The Week: there their


Upcoming Events:
!!!!!  Mr. John’s Birthday  !!!!!

Last Day Of School/Field Day: Thursday June 3, 2021


Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

Best buds reunited.


Let me explain this pic. They were huddled, whispering, and glancing at me. When I questioned them they stopped talking, sat straight, and pretended not to talk. I wonder what they were plotting.


Oh no, the dreaded cucumber eyes!


No explanation needed for this pic except that every child ages 3 to 6 is obsessed with poop.


Your Kids Say The Darndest Things ():






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