This week our Blossoms learned about Reptiles! We learned about the characteristics of this animal group, the things that make a reptile a reptile! We know that reptiles are vertebrates, they are cold blooded, they have dry, scaly skin, they hatch from soft shelled eggs, and they breathe with their lungs. The reptile we focused on this week were turtles!
Lighting the World with Kindness!
Enrichment Spotlight!
A Peek Into Work Time!
Peek Into Next Week!
We will be busy the next two weeks! We will be practicing for our Christmas Show, decorating our shirts for the Christmas Show, and creating special gifts for our families!
Important Dates!
Wednesday, December 14 – Rehearsal at Cuyahoga Falls High School 6:00 – 7:00pm. Students should arrive by 5:45pm. Not a dress rehearsal.
Friday, December 16 – Christmas Show at Cuyahoga Falls High School! Students should arrive by 5:30pm! Show begins at 6:00pm. Cherry Blossom children should wear their green shirt, black or green bottoms, and tennis shoes.
Winter Break – December 17 – January 2. School resumes on Tuesday, January 3!