Peek into our Week – Cherry Blossoms – week of 1/8/24

Our Focus Lesson – The Mitten and Snowflakes

Welcome back to school! We have settled right back into our expectations and routines. This week we had our first Book Study of the school year. During a Book Study, we will read the same book every day of the week. This allows us to practice a learning topic more in depth, as well as learn different things about the story. We read The Mitten by Jan Brett this week! We focused on the sequence of the story and retelling the story in order. We noticed that Jan Brett will give the reader hints about what comes next in the illustrations. We also read other books by Jan Brett and were able to compare and contrast.

Cherry Blossoms also learned all about snowflakes this week! We learned that every snowflake begins as a speck of dirt or dust up in the cloud. Water droplets then surround the speck and freeze into a ball of ice. More water droplets join creating a hexagon shape, and from the hexagon shape will come 6 branches. The snowflake will collect more water droplets as it becomes to heavy for the cloud and begins the fall to the ground. The children know that if they hold their mitten out while it is snowing, that they can catch a snowflake and observe it before it melts!

Preschool Corner

This preschooler is working with the Moveable Alphabet. She is using her knowledge of letters and letter sounds to write the sounds she hears when she stretches the word out.
This preschooler is Making Tens with our Colored Bead Bars. This is a beginning addition work and she works to find what two bead bars equal 10 when added together.
The 100 Board is always a classroom favorite! This child mixed up all of the tiles from 1-40 at the bottom of the board and then worked to put the numbers in order. He chose to make this work more challenging for his brain on his own!

Kindergarten Corner

This Kindergartener read a total of 45 sentences including vowel teams and phonograms and matched them to the appropriate pictures. Talk about a challenging work!
This Kindergartener has learned some individual cursive letters and is ready to put those letters together to write cursive words. He’s doing great!

Enrichment Corner

An exciting day in Music Class – we started the story of Peter and the Wolf where we will learn all about the sounds different instruments make!
An exciting day in Science Class as well – one of our favorite experiments about absorption!

Fun with Friends!

Half of the fun as a teacher is observing what ideas the children will come up with on their own when given the space and the time to do so. This was not a lesson from the teacher, but an organized game that the children designed and implemented on their own through communication!

Peek into Next Week:

Focus Lesson: Adaptation, Migration, Hibernation

Important Dates:

January 25 – Grandparent’s Day – Register at

February 2 – 100th Day of School – more info coming home soon!

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