Peek In Our Week ()()() Thee Buckeye Room ()()() Week Of October 16, 2023

Thee Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
We learned fish are vertebrates or they have a backbone or a spine.  They are cold blooded (their body temperature changes to the temperature around them) and have slimy and scaly skin.  The unique thing about fish is that some fish are born alive and some fish are born with jelly eggs.  Some examples of fish are Trout, Bass, Sharks, and Swordfish.  And one more important point is that fish live in water.

I saw this when it was in the theaters.

Food For Though: Do you know that you do not realize you fell asleep until you wake?

Message From Mr. John (Clouds):

My guilty pleasure. For the longest time I thought the title was “Clouds”

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 13 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian)

Know Your Languages (Russian):

Specials Spot (Music):

Tambourine fun in music class.

Peek In The Classroom:

Composing numbers reinforces the association of quantity and symbol. This work students can compose from 1 to 9,999.
She is working on exchanging quantities. The Montessori Change Game, also called the Exchange Game, is a classic Montessori math activity. The purpose of the Change Game is to give children the opportunity to experience how small quantity categories can be exchanged for larger quantity categories and still total the same amount.
She is doing the 10 board. Another exercise in the relationship between symbol and quantity. Do you see the pattern she created?
Montessori education emphasises practical life activities that help children develop independence, concentration, and coordination. One such activity is braiding, which can be introduced to children as young as three years old. Braiding helps develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and a sense of order.

Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Birds

Letter Of The Week- I i

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bin

Next Language is Romanian

Academic Enrichment aka Kindergarten:

Weekly Themes:
Geography.. Hemispheres Equator, Prime Meridian
Math.. Subtraction golden beads/other materials (carry overs)
Language.. Pronouns
Geometry.. Construction Box (rectangle 1)

Next Week:
Weekly Themes:

Geography.. North America
Math.. Division golden beads no borrowing
Language.. Pronouns
Geometry.. Construction Box (rectangle box 2)

Next Week:
Synonym Of The Week: COLD: freezing, chilly, frigid, frozen, cool  

Sight Words Of The Week: use your

Another nice kindergarten picture.

Upcoming Stuff:

Trunk or Treat: Friday October 27 2023… Details sent via email
Parent/Teacher Conferences: (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS): Friday November 10 2023… Details to follow.
Bring Your Parent To School: Mondays and Wednesdays starting November 20, 2023… follow the link to sigh up,
Thanksgiving Break: No school from Wednesday November 22 thru November 26. Returning Monday November 27.

Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

Two girls NOT happy about being told to STOP WORKING!
Being serenaded as the girls count to 100.
I call this the back hug.
Cousin It’s cousin?

Your Child Says The Darndest Things (Strong opinions about socks):

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