Thee Buckeye Room Bulletin
Line Time:
We had fun this week looking into the world of art. We went over the primary and secondary colors. We learned there are different ways to create art such as, drawing with pencils, coloring with crayons, and painting. We looked at artists such as Michael Angelo, Pablo Picasso, Monet, and Andy Warhol.

Did You Know? (Ringo Star played only one drum solo while he was with The Beatles):
Ringo would never do drum solos, Paul Mcartney said. He hated drummers who did lengthy drum solos. We all did. And when he joined the Beatles we said, ‘Ah, what about drum solos then?’ and he said, ‘I hate ’em!’ We said, ‘Great! We love you!’ And so he would never do them. Except one which was done on the last song (The End) of the last album (Abbey Road) of The Beatles. Truly an end of an era!
A Message From Mr. John (This week went well):
Know Your Languages (Hindi):
Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 26 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, Welsh, Dutch/Flemmish, Polish, Serbo-Croation, Cebuano, Malay, Hindi)
Enrichments (Music):

Akron Art Museum Field Trip:

March Birthdays:
A Montessori classroom prides itself on a mixed aged classroom of ages between 2 1/2 and 6. Here are our newest 4 and six year old students.

Peek In The Classroom:

Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Life Cycles
Letter Of The Week-Y y
Rhyming Word Of The Week- bac
Next Language is Turkish
Academic Enrichment:
Weekly Theme: Geometric Solids (3D shapes).

Next Week’s Lesson:
Weekly Theme: Consonants/Vowels
Synonym Of The Week: Wet: damp, moist, soggy, drenched, soaked
Sight Words Of The Week: have this
Upcoming Events:
A few days off and other stuff.
-No School: SPRING BREAK- March 27 through April 2 — Returning Monday April 3
-Early Release/No Aftercare: Good Friday April 7. ***** Dismissal 12 noon/NO AFTERCARE *****
-No School: Easter Monday, April 10
International Festival Line Request: This communication was sent via email and Remind.(( Any questions just ask )).
Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

Your Kids Say The Darndest Things: (Her Cats)