Peek In Our Week {} {} Thee Buckeye Room {} {} Week Of January 23, 2023

Thee Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
This week we learned a bit about the internal organs.  We started with the brain which is like the computer of the body.  It tells our body how fast to breathe and how fast our heart should beat.  We discovered the lungs help us breathe and puts oxygen in our blood. Our stomach digests food, the small intestine take nutrients out of our food and large intestine gets the remaining water from indigestible food and creates waste (poop)(that word produced laughter) or as I referred to a bowel movement.  The kidneys process excess water and creates pee (more laughter) or urine.  The liver removes toxins from the body. We found out that the largest organ of the human body is the epidermis.  The liver is my fave internal organ.  What is yours?

A Message From Mr. John (Perception of time): AUDIO ONLY VIDEO NOT WORKING

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 21 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew, Korean, Hungarian, Irish, Kiswahili, Welsh, Dutch/Flemmish) 

Know your Languages (Dutch/Flemmish): AUDIO ONLY VIDEO NOT WORKING

Did You Know?:
Dead skin cells are the main ingredient for household dust.
Here’s an interesting science fact for you: According to researchers at Imperial College London, humans shed around 200 million skin cells each hour—and they have to go somewhere when we’re indoors and it becomes dust.

Grandparents Day:

Scenes with grandparents in the classroom.
Science!!!!!!!! a well cleaned out Mr. John, lol

Enrichments (Sign Language):

Our Sign Language mascot is the Rainbow Raccoon.

Peek In The Classroom:

This boy is alphabetizing name tags.
He is working on the Constructive Triangles. The constructive triangles are used to demonstrate that all plane geometric figures can be constructed from triangles. There are five boxes: 2 rectangular, 1 triangular, and 1 large and 1 small hexagonal. Each box contains triangles of different sizes, shapes, and colors.
These students are comparing the Bead Cubes with the Pink Tower.
In a Montessori classroom seasoned students guide younger students.

Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Pollution and Recycling

Letter Of The Week- S s

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bup

Next Language is Polish

Academic Enrichment:
Subtraction without borrowing (Static). We also learned the terms of subtraction.
9 (minuend) – 4 (subtrahend) = 5 (difference)

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Subtraction with borrowing (Dynamic).

Synonym Of The Week: skinny

Sight Words Of The Week:  other some

I think they are being silly but don’t quote me on this.

Upcoming Events:
A few days off and other stuff.

-No School:
Friday, February 17th (Teacher In Service day)
-No School: Monday, February 20th (President’s Day)

-Readiness Conferences (Incoming Kindergarten Students/Incoming First Graders):
(Details To Follow)

Akron Art Museum Field Trip:  Thursday, March 9 (from 9am to 12pm)  IT IS FREE! (Details To Follow)

Frolic, Friends, and Fun:

I thought he was a Kansas City Chiefs fan but he said he represents ketchup/catsup and mustard. Then I realized he dressed like Winnie the Pooh.
This is not an optical illusion. Look at the height difference.
She says it is a racoon. I’ll take what I can get. Actually, it is a Rainbow Racoon!

Your Kids say The Darndest Things (My sister Lydia):

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