Thee Buckeye Bulletin
Line Time:
This week we learned a bit about the internal organs. We started with the brain which is like the computer of the body. It tells our body how fast to breathe and how fast our heart should beat. We discovered the lungs help us breathe and puts oxygen in our blood. Our stomach digests food, the small intestine take nutrients out of our food and large intestine gets the remaining water from indigestible food and creates waste (poop)(that word produced laughter) or as I referred to a bowel movement. The kidneys process excess water and creates pee (more laughter) or urine. The liver removes toxins from the body. We found out that the largest organ of the human body is the epidermis. The liver is my fave internal organ. What is yours?
Line Time (the other stuff):
Letter Of The Week: R r
Rhyming Word Of The Week: but
Did You Know(Numbers, Letters…):
Imagine someone writing out the numbers one through 1,000—the word forms, not the numbers. One, two, three, four…and so on. Eventually, this person might start to notice the conspicuous absence of one letter (the second most common in the English Language) no less. It wouldn’t be until this person reached 1,000 that they would finally write the letter A. You may say one hundred AND one but that would actually be 101.1 (one of my pet peeves)!
1,000 Thousand A
A Word From Mr. John (College Cuisine):
Cultural Subjects:
Foreign Languages: Romanian
Your children can now count to ten in 16 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian).
Know Your Languages: (Romanian)
January Half Birthdays: A Montessori classroom prides itself on having a multiage class. Here is our newest 3 and a half year old student.
They say it comes in threes:

–Big Chuck/ Charles Schodowski was a Cleveland personality. If you were at a sleepover (in my day) you were found in front of the TV watching The Hoolihan and Big Chuck Show. RIP Big Stache (the certain ethnic pierogi eater)!
-David Lynch a giant among men in the film industry. I was not familiar with him until 1986 when I took a date to see Blue Velvet at Oberlin College. After that I was hooked on his use of the surreal clashing with the mundane. RIP and I hope you are enjoying that black cup of coffee and a slice of cherry pie.
Specials Space (Music):

Peek In Our Week:

Peek Into Next Week:
Weekly Theme: 5 Senses
Letter Of The Week: S s
Rhyming Word Of The Week: bup
Next Language is Korean
Academic Enrichment aka Kindergarten:
This Week in Kindergarten:
Reviewing Telling Time
Synonym Of The Week: NICE- kind, pleasant, delightful, good, helpful
Sight Words Of The Week: first then
Next Week in Kindergarten:
Review Telling Time
Synonym Of The Week: SKINNY- thin, lean, emaciated, scrawny, slendy
Sight Words Of The Week: other some

Special Kindergarten Group/SKG:
Due to the short week I decided to keep the students in the classroom.
Future Happenings:
******* Please read the email or Remind message about the PEANUT ALLERGY in the classroom ******
-Grandparents’ Day: Thursday January 30, 2025. Follow the link to sign up…..
–NO SCHOOL for President’s Day — Monday, February 17th —
Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

Your Kids Say The Darndest Things(Don’t Go Chasing Unicorns):