Peek In Our Week *** Thee Buckeye Room *** Week of December 9 – December 13, 2024

Line Time:
Diligently practicing for the Christmas Show. Rockin it out!

All school practice

Did You Know? (Lets just cancel Monday, hehe)
According to an article published in Stroke, a 40-year longitudinal study revealed that the most common day of the week to have a stroke was Monday. In fact, for intracerebral hemorrhages, one-third occurred on a Monday. AND, the least common days of the week? Saturday and Sunday.

A Word From Mr. Mr. John (Pull, Crack, and Rub):

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 11 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic in the Lebanese Dialect, Italian, Russian)

Know Your Languages ( in January)

Peek In The Classroom:

One of the Kindergarten Students reading Chapter Books.
Teen Beads and Boards provide valuable experience with understanding numbers 11-19. With this material, the child first learns that the quantities greater than 10 are all made up of 10 along with a number from 1 to 9. Next, the child is introduced to the symbols for those numbers with the wooden boards and cards. Finally, they associate the beads and the cards together and practice making and placing them in sequence.
Teamwork washing tables.
We work them hard in the classroom. No Benadryl was used in the making of this picture.

Kindergarten aka Academic Enrichment:

My Kinders practicing cursive.

SPK (Special Kindergarten Group):

This week we continued to gather data and it was the length of the kinders feet. We will gather the same data in May and compare the results. No one passed out due to stinky feet. Also, no one had holes in their socks and two students had mismatched socks.

Enrichments (Library):

Stow Library comes every three weeks to read to the students.

Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Christmas Show Practice

Letter Of The Week- Taking a break to practice for the Christmas Show

Rhyming Word Of The Week- Taking a break to practice for the Christmas Show

Next Language is in January

Future Happenings:
-Christmas Show Rehearsal: December 18 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm at Cuyahoga Falls High School Auditorium Students arrive by 5:45. USE THE RESTROOM and drop off with assigned group.

-AMMS Annual Christmas Show: December 20 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm at Cuyahoga Falls High School Auditorium Students arrive by 5:30pm. USE THE RESTROOM and drop off with assigned group.

-Christmas Break: Saturday December 21, 2024 returning January 6, 2025

-Pajama Day/Show and Tell: Friday December 20, 2024

Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

You should have seen the other guy.
Sometimes you just have to be goofy.
Who wore it better?
Did they plan this?

Your Kids Say The Darndest Things: ( I want to go home but I don’t know why)

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