A Peek Into Art Class | May 2018

With Ms. Renee

Week of May1st
This week we talked about what a portrait and a self portrait means in art. Each of the students drew a picture of themselves using crayons and colored pencils and then we made a “silly” self portrait similar to Pablo Picasso famous cubist art! The students loved talking about their silly portraits and what crazy things they were adding to their faces!
Week of May 7th
The students enjoyed making clay pots a few weeks ago so we got out the clay and created some goofy monsters! Watching them use their imaginations to create something only they could envision was so much fun. Each one was truly unique!
Week of May 14th
This week we talked again about self portraits and how we could make a portrait more “life-like”. Using construction paper, the students created 3D portraits that resembled themselves. They really enjoyed finding ways to create hair that stuck out from the paper!
Week of May 21st
For our final art class in Tallmadge I created art stations that involved some of the students’ favorite mediums. We had a really fun sculpture station, a chalk and oil pastel station and a watercolor/paint stamping station. Giving the students time at each one to explore and create was the perfect way to end the school year!

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