Academic Enrichment | week of October 2nd and 9th | Cuyahoga Falls

The first week of October found us discovering where we live.  Not only our street address but even bigger things.   We started out with one of the biggest things, our galaxy called the Milky Way and dwindled down to our street address and ALL things in between.  Here is a breakdown of “where we live”…

Galaxy: Milky Way

Cluster Of Planets:  Our Solar System

Planet:  Earth

Hemisphere:  Northwestern

Continent:  North America

Country:  United States of America (U.S.A.)

State:  Ohio

County:  Summit

City, Address, Phone Number…

The kindergartners continued with the subject of Geography by studying land forms.  We looked at Island/Lake, Cape/Bay, Peninsula/Gulf(not the sport), Isthmus(not Christmas)/Straight, Archipelago/Chain Of Lakes.


The kindergarten students proudly displaying Land Form Cards.

Cultural Subjects:

The kindergarten students can count to ten in 12 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Arabic w/Lebanese Dialect, Italian, and Russian)

Sneak Peek Into The Next Few Weeks:
We are going to learn how to tell time (old school).  Clock faces, hands, and such. 

Synonym Of The Week:

Sight Words Of The Week:
for, with

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