Themes of the Week (in addition to Montessori Work time)
5/1: All About Insects
Learning the characteristics of Insects.
Life Cycle of the Butterfly.
How Insects are helpful/harmful.
Where do certain insects live?
Where do insects get their food?
5/8: Dinosaurs
Studying Dinosaurs that lived on land, earth, and in the air.
Learning about the difference between carnivores and herbivores.
Discuss how Dinosaurs left fossils, which give us “clues” about them.
Discuss different types of dinosaurs such as T-Rex, Stegosaurus, and Triceratops.
Discuss how dinosaurs all hatched from eggs.
5/15: All About Reptiles and Amphibians
The difference between reptiles and amphibians.
Learning about the Frog Life Cycle
Learning about snakes, lizards, and alligators.
Learning about turtles and frogs.
Making a VEN diagram of the differences between reptiles and amphibians.
5/22: All About Mammals
- Learning the physical characteristics of mammals.
Learning about bears, monkeys, and lions.
- What do certain mammals eat?
- Where do certain mammals live?
5/29: Birds / All About Summer Fun/Safety
Learning all about birds and the parts of the bird, what they eat, etc.
Making ice cream.
Learning about “stranger danger”.
- Learning when to call 9-1-1.Monday, May 29th: Memorial Day | NO SCHOOL
Thursday, June 1st: FIELD DAY!
Letters of the Week: Try to find objects that begin with each letter wherever you go with your child.
5/1: Yy
5/8: Ss
5/15: Ii
5/22: Pp
5/29: Jj
Sight Words of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.
5/1: Yet
5/8: Set
5/15: Lip
5/22: Pit
5/29: Jet
Things to do at Home this Month to reinforce our themes:
Discuss with your child their favorite types of dinosaur they are learning about.
Take a trip to the Zoo with your child. Discuss the different types of animals you see.
Play “ I Spy” with your child using the letter sounds of the letter of the week.
Discuss summer safety rules for your family with your child, such as where is safe to play in your neighborhood, what to do if approached by a stranger, etc.