What I will learn this month in Ms. Kristen’s class:
Themes of the week | Classroom group lesson time (in addition to individual Montessori work time)
4/3: Introduction To The Continents/ All About Africa
- The location of the continents on the globe.
- Using the Continent Map Puzzle to locate the continents.
- Where is Africa? What is the weather like in Africa?
- Landmarks and Animals that are indigenous to Africa.
- Making an African animal craft.
- Friday, April 7th | Dads n Donuts
4/10: All About Africa
- Learning all about the culture, traditions, and people of Egypt
- Making an African mask.
- Learning all about the culture, traditions, and people of Morocco
- Learning all about the culture, traditions, and people of Madagascar
- Learning all about Kenya and making African Drums
- Friday, April 14th | NO SCHOOL | Easter break
4/17: All About Africa
- Monday, April 17th | NO SCHOOL | Easter break
- Learning all about the culture, traditions, and people of South Africa
- Learning all about the culture, traditions, and people of Zimbabwe
- Learning all about the culture, traditions, and people of Ethiopian
- Discuss how soccer is a very popular sport in Africa.
- Making African masks.
- Wednesday, April 19th | International Festival Rehearsal
- Friday, April 21st | International Festival
4/24: All About Spring
- Learning all about the signs of Spring.
- Learning about the parts of the flower.
- Life Cycles
- What animals are born in the Spring?
Letters of the Week: Try to find objects that begin with each letter wherever you go with your child.
4/3: Aa
4/10: Cc
4/17: Rr
4/24: Tt
Sight Words of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.
4/3: and
4/10: can
4/17: rag
4/24: the
Things to do at Home this Month to reinforce our themes:
- Try making a new recipe as a family from a country we’ve discussed in Africa.
- Discuss with your child their favorite animal that they learned about from Africa.
- Practice identifying the continents on a map of the world with your child.
- Practice with your child the name of our planet, continent, country, state, city, and their address.