March, 2015

Kate Case

What I will learn at school this month in Ms. Kate’s Class…

Themes of the Week (in addition to Montessori Work time)

3/02: All about Dr. Seuss

  1. Making and eating green eggs and ham together with graph
  2. Reading the “Cat in the Hat” and making a craft
  3. Rhyming word activities, mystery word activities using Dr. Suess books
  4. Silly Socks coloring graph

Afternoon Group Lesson: Reiterating the letter and calendar of the week. A variety of fun crafts and activities with Dr. Seuss.

3/09: Art Appreciation

  1. Claude Monet and his use of pastels
  2. Pablo Picaso and his collages
  3. Jackson Pollack and abstract expressionism
  4. History of Mosiac Art and sculptures

Afternoon Group Lesson: Reiterating the letter and calendar of the week. Learning all about art with Ms. Ashley

3/16: Rainforest

  1. Location of Rainforest and Rainforest themed experiments, activities and crafts
  2. Layers of the Rainforest (Emergent, Canopy, Understory and Forest Floor)
  3. Animals found in the Rainforest
  4. Products that come from the Rainforest

Afternoon Group Lesson: Reiterating the letter and calendar of the week. Learning all about the rainforest, animals and crafts with Ms. Ashley.

3/23: My Five Senses

  1. Hearing with a sound match game
  2. Sight observation and memory game
  3. Touch mystery bag game
  4. Taste test
  5. My sense of smell game

Afternoon Group Lesson: Reiterating the letter and calendar of the week. Having fun with my five senses with Ms. Ashley.


Letters of the Week: Try to find objects that begin with each letter wherever you go with your child. 3/02: Vv

3/09: Ww

3/16: Xx

3/23: Yy

Sight Words of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.

3/02: this

3/09: they

3/16: said

3/23: from

Things to do at Home this Month to reinforce our themes:

  1. While reading a book have your child point to all of the letter of the week she/he can find. Have them do this with the sight words as well. Play I‐Spy using things that only start with the letter of the week/ sight words.
  2. Make “Cat and the Hat” Cookies together! Follow this link: CatHatCookie.htm
  3. Create a family portrait together using the material discussed in class (oil pastels, mosaic, etc)
  4. Take a walk outside or in your home. Talk about the different colors you see all around you. Then create a picture of the colors 
and patterns you saw.
  5. Is there a Jungle in your Kitchen? Follow this link to find how many items in your kitchen come from the Rainforest!


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