January, 2015

Kate Case

Themes of the Week (in addition to Montessori Work Time)

1/5: Whales

  • Facts about Whales and different types of Whales
  • Create a Whale Chart
  • How do Whale’s float? “Staying Afloat” Science experiment on density

Afternoon group lesson:
All about the artic: Various crafts, location of the artic on the map, its inhabitants and arctic resources. 

1/12: History of Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Similarities and Differences(hair color, eye color, likes, dislikes)
  • Egg experiment (brown egg vs. white egg) discuss their differences on the outside– discover how they are the same on the inside.

Afternoon group lesson:
Variety of crafts and activities to learn more about MLK JR. 

1/19: Polar Pals

  • Monday 1/19 ‐NO SCHOOL (MLK Day)
  • The Arctic Climate, Map of the Arctic
  • Exploring the worlds of the Polar Bear, Seal and Walrus.

Afternoon group lesson:
All about hibernation: information, activities, and crafts to teach us about hibernation.

1/26: Penguins

  • Facts about Penguins, why don’t they fly?
  • How Penguins communicate
  • Where Penguins live

Afternoon group lesson:
All about snow: how snow is formed, different activities, crafts and science experiments to help us learn about snow.

Letters of the Week:
Try to find objects that begin with each letter wherever you go with your child.

  • 1/05: Nn
  • 1/12: Oo
  • 1/19: Pp
  • 1/28: Qq

Sight Words of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.

  • 1/05: am
  • 1/12: go
  • 1/19: at
  • 1/26: they

Things to do at Home this Month to reinforce our themes:

  • While reading a book have your child point to all of the letter of the week she/he can find. Have them do this with the sight words as well.
  • Play I‐Spy using things that only start with the letter of the week/ sight words.
  • Go on a whale hunt! Draw whales or print out whale pictures and hide them around your house. Have your child count out how many whales they have found, or place them in different categories.
  • While reading to your child have him/her pick out the sight word “am.”
  • Go outside in the snow, fill a spray bottle with food coloring and water. Have your child spray out the letters and sight words we have been talking about all month. Also your child can create an Alaska theme using seals, polar bears, walruses, and penguins.


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