Themes of the Week (in addition to Montessori Work time)
8/26‐ 09/04 Rules of the Classroom/Respect
- We respect each other
- We try our best/we learn from our mistakes
- We are a team/we celebrate each other’s success
- Tour of the classroom and introductions of materials
- Using the words “please, thank you, excuse me, I’m sorry.” Write a class poem to emphasize the use of polite words.
- Create a kindness quilt to help students think about and how to show acts of kindness.
9/07: Friendship
- Work on social skills/ how to develop friendship
- What are good qualities in a friend?
- How do friends build community?
- Create together a class web of friendship word
- Second line time: Going over calendar, weather, and Spanish words and numbers. Friendship lessons and crafts!
9/14: All About Me!
- Our similarities and differences
- I’m special because…
- Our Birthdays
- Identifying our emotions
- Starting on Monday Ms. Kate will be sending home a paper bag with each of your children. Please have your child decorate their bag and fill it with three of their favorite things. Please bring back on Friday.
- Second Line Time: Going over calendar, weather, Spanish weather and words. Having fun doing all about me activities and games!
9/21: Family
- What is a family
- Graphing our families/ family celebrations
- Create a family tree together (Due Friday 9/21/15)
- Second line time: Going over calendar, weather, Spanish numbers and words. Having fun reading books on Families, creating a family portrait, and sining songs about families.
Letters of the Week: Try to find objects that begin with each letter wherever you go with your child.
- 9/07: Aa
- 9/14: Bb
- 9/21: Cc
- 9/28: Dd
Rhyming words of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.
- 9/07: Cat
- 9/14: Pig
- 9/21: Ball
- 9/28: Bug
Things to do at Home this Month to reinforce our themes:
- While reading a book have your child point to all of the A’s she/he can find. Have them do this with the sight word “the.” Play I‐Spy using things that only start with the letter A.
- Make a collage with pictures and objects that start with the letter B.
- Place words around the house and see if your child can find the word “to.” When your child has gathered all of his/her “to” cards count together how many cards they have found.
- Make a kindness jar. Each day pick an act of kindness out of the jar and act on it:)
- You and your child write a special letter to a friend.