Themes of the Week (in addition to Montessori Work time)
11/02: Insects / Arachnids
-Characteristics of insects, examples of insects (invertebrates)
-Antennae, head, thorax, abdomen, six legs (some have wings)
-Characteristics of arachnids, examples of arachnids, 8 legs (invertebrates)
-Afternoon group lessons: Fire Safety
11/09: Dinosaurs
-Naming and Identifying Dinosaurs
-Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Pterodactyl, Brachiosaurus
-Plant eaters (herbivores), Meat eaters (carnivores)
-Where the Dinosaurs lived and how long ago they lived
-Fossils and Extinction
-Afternoon group lessons: On the Farm
Friday, November 13th NO SCHOOL/ Teacher In Service Day (Parent//Teacher Conferences All Day 8am-7pm)
11/16: Thanksgiving/ Native Americans
-Mayflower, Native Americans
-When the Pilgrims came to America
-Who the Pilgrims were and why they came
-The Mayflower
-Native American shelters, nomadic, settlers
-Afternoon group lessons: Pilgrims/The first thanksgiving
11/23: Family
-Members of a family, family traditions and holidays
-Family birthdays, vacations
-Family pets
-Afternoon group lessons: Thanksgiving Crafts
Thanksgiving Feast 11/25 (11:00‐12:00pm) 12:00pm Early Dismissal (No Aftercare)
Thursday/Friday NO SCHOOL—Enjoy your Thanksgiving Holiday!
Letters of the Week: Try to find objects that begin with each letter wherever you go with your child.
11/02: Kk
11/09: Ll
11/16: Mm
Rhyming Words of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.
11/02: OX, box, fox, lox, pox, sox
11/09: BOT, cot, dot, got, hot, lot, not, pot, tot
11/16: BOP, cop, hop, mop, pop, top
Things to do at Home this Month to reinforce our themes:
-Look for our words of the week when reading a story, cut out pictures beginning with the letters of the week.
-Play “I Spy” with items beginning with the letter of the week, or find things around your home that begin with the letter of the week.
-Explore your neighborhood. See if you can find any fossil plant prints on rocks in your yard or neighborhood.
-Make fall crafts together to help decorate your family Thanksgiving table.
-Look through family photo albums together and talk about your family. What does each family member do for a job? Where did you grow up? What unique traditions does your family have?