On Your Mark. Get Set…. !
Themes of the Week (in addition to Montessori Work time)
8/24-8/31: Ground Rules / Introduction of Materials
- Ringing of the bell, circle walk, line time
- Process of working with a materials, rolling mats, carrying trays & work areas
- Respecting teachers, classmates and the materials
- Daily demonstration of materials from all areas of the classroom
9/07: Healthy Habits
- The importance of washing hands, bathing, brushing teeth (eliminate germs, prevent cavities)
- The importance of sleep. Why we need sleep & sleep cycle
- The importance of exercise (walking, running, swimming, etc)
- The importance of eating well (“grow foods”)
9/14: Food Groups
- Eating Healthy, Moderation
- Focus on the different food groups, sorting foods belonging in each
- Servings and examples of each
9/21: Living / Non Living
- Living things (grow, reproduce, obtain and use energy, exchange gases) adapt to their environment
- Non Living things, examples
- Categorization of Living and Non Living
09/28: Mammals
- Introduction to mammals, examples of mammals
- All mammals have hair, warm blooded, eat mother’s milk
- All mammals are vertebrates (spine), lungs to breathe, born alive
- Bats are the ONLY mammal that can fly
Letters of the Week: Try to find objects that begin with each letter wherever you go with your child.
8/24: Aa
8/31: Bb
9/07: Cc
9/14: Dd
9/21: Ee
9/28: Ff
Rhyming Words of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.
8/24: BAT, cat, fat, hat, mat, pat, sat
8/31: BAN, can, dan, fan, man, pan, tan
9/07: BAP, map, cap, gap, lap, nap, sap
9/14: BAG, sag, jag, lag, nag, tag, rag wag
9/21: BAD, dad, fad, had, lad, mad, sad
9/28: BIG, dig, fig, jig, pig, rig, wig
Things to do at Home this Month to reinforce our themes:
- Make a collage with pictures and objects that start with the letters of the week.
- While eating together, categorize your meal into food groups with your child.
- Follow this link to find a worksheet to complete together for living and non living things. (Circle the living things and color together)http://worksheetplace.com/index.php?function=DisplaySheet&sheet=Circle-the-living-things&links=2&id=&link1=241&link2=257
- Read a book about your child’s favorite mammal together!