Themes of the Week (in addition to Montessori Work time)
2/29 All about Dr. Suess
- Making and eating green eggs and ham together with graph
- Reading the “Cat in the Hat” and making a craft
- Rhyming word activities, mystery word activities using Dr. Suess books
- Silly Socks coloring graph
Afternoon Group Lesson: Reiterating the letter and calendar of the week. A variety of fun crafts and activities with Dr. Seuss.
3/07: Art Appreciation
- Claude Monet and his use of pastels
- Pablo Picaso and his collages
- Jackson Pollack and abstract expressionism
- History of Mosiac Art and sculptures
Afternoon Group Lesson: Reiterating the letter and calendar of the week. Learning all about art with Ms. Ame!
3/14: Rainforest
- Location of Rainforest and Rainforest themed experiments, activities and crafts
- Layers of the Rainforest (Emergent, Canopy, Understory and Forest Floor)
- Animals found in the Rainforest
- Products that come from the Rainforest
Afternoon Group Lesson: Reiterating the letter and calendar of the week. Learning all about the rainforest, animals and crafts with Ms. Ame!
3/21: My Five Senses
- Hearing with a sound match game
- Sight observation and memory game
- Touch mystery bag game
- Taste test
- My sense of smell game
Afternoon Group Lesson: Reiterating the letter and calendar of the week. Having fun with my five senses with Ms. Ame.
3/28-4/1: SPRING BREAK (school resumes Monday, 4/4)
Letters of the Week: Try to find objects that begin with each letter wherever you go with your child.
2/29: Qq
3/07: Rr
3/14: Ss
3/21: Tt
Rhyming Words of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.
3/07: sun
3/14: green
3/21: egg
Things to do at Home this Month to reinforce our themes:
- While reading a book have your child point to all of the letter of the week she/he can find. Have them do this with the rhyming words as well. Play I‐Spy using things that only start with the letter of the week/ sight words.
- Make “Cat and the Hat” Cookies together! Follow this link: CatHatCookie.htm
- Create a family portrait together using the material discussed in class (oil pastels, mosaic, etc)
- Take a walk outside or in your home. Talk about the different colors you see all around you. Then create a picture of the colors and patterns you saw.
- Is there a Jungle in your Kitchen? Follow this link to find how many items in your kitchen come from the Rainforest!