December 2015 Academic Enrichment Monthly Overview | Cuyahoga Falls Campus

Our Academic Enrichment time is daily from 12:00-1:00pm. This time is specifically designed for our Kindergarten students to join together as a group to work and progress through the advanced materials and lessons in the Montessori primary curriculum. Throughout the school day in their classroom they are still working individually with their classroom teacher on these and other materials at their level.

 11/30:  Parts of a Animals

  • Parts of a mammal, amphibian, and bird
  • Parts of a reptile and fish
  • Working with animal puzzles and control charts

 12/07:  Parts of Arachnids/Insects

  • Parts of a spiders
  • Parts of a wasp

12/14:    Use of a Ruler

  • Inches and Centimeters
  • Measuring with a ruler– practice measurement with many different objects
  • Recording measurements

12/20—1/1       Christmas Break—School Resumes Monday, January 4th


Things to do at home this month to reinforce our themes:

  • Practice measuring different objects at home and recording those measurements.

Mr. John will be sending homework home to reinforce these lessons. Please turn homework into the orange box outside of Mr. John’s classroom.  Please email him if you have any questions:


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