Adventures In Aspen – A Peek At Our Week – 09/02/24 – 09/06/24 – Seasons and Months- The Reason For Seasons

Hello Aspen families!!! We have completed our third week of school and the Aspen classroom has been filled with excitement, learning, and getting to know each other. The Aspen children have begun to settle into their daily/weekly routines and as a result the classroom is a busy and bustling place! The Aspen teachers have had great fun giving lesson presentations while getting to know our newest Aspen students. Returning students have been most helpful modeling classroom expectations, respectful behaviors, and helping their newer classmates while receiving new presentations themselves. The Aspen classroom is becoming a thriving community while exploring the social aspects of the classroom environment and learning new concepts/skills.

This week Aspen learned all about the Seasons and the Months! The Aspen students discovered that there are four seasons that have unique characteristics. Therefore, as a group we learned the names of each season and discussed how we identifying each season! Aspen then discussed that there are twelve months in a year and learned their names as well! At the same time, we also learned the “Reason for Seasons” with our Seasons Experiment! We used our Painted Globe to demonstrate the spinning and rotation of our planet Earth to visually experience why the seasons occur! We learned that during the summer our part of the Earth receives lots of direct sunlight which warms our part of the world so much that it is hot! Then something truly special occurs! As our Earth spins and rotates it will tilt on its axis giving us less direct sunlight! This change in the amount of sunlight in our part if the world causes the temperature to drop slightly giving us the cool temperatures of Fall! Then…our Earth continues to spin and rotate tilting more giving us even less sunlight leading to the super cold and freezing temperatures we experience during the winter. Did you know not every part of our planet experiences four seasons like Ohio? Did you know some places on Earth have only two? A rainy season and a dry season. Did you know that while we are experiencing Summer the southern hemisphere has Winter? The Aspen children learned all of this and more during their exploration of Seasons and Months this week! Ask your child what they discovered!!!

Next week we will be learning about Plants (Trees)! We will take a look at how they grow, learn the parts of a tree, engage in tree classification activities, and explore the trees around us on the playground! See you Monday!

Exploring Seasons with the Painted Globe and a flashlight (our Sun)!

Exploring seasons while sorting pictures with characteristics of each season!

Moveable Alphabet Fun!

Teens and Tens! Learning about number quantities while exploring the teen numbers!

Pink Tower Extensions!

Adventures In Aspen – A Peek at Our Week – 08/26/24-08/30/24 – Days Of The Week

Hello Aspen families!! Welcome to the Aspen Blog where we fill you in on all of the weekly happenings and adventures in Aspen! The past two weeks have focused on the transition from the home environment to the school environment while acclimating to our schedules, routines, and navigating the classroom! We have had so much fun seeing old friends and making new ones! Many new friendships have already been established and it has been a blast getting to know each other! Ms.Angela and I are honored to have the opportunity to teach your child and we are looking forward to a great year!

In regards to morning Group Lessons, we have focused on our Procedural Movement Lessons or the “How To’s” of the Montessori classroom! The Aspen students have learned; how to walk the line, how to raise their hand during lesson time, how to listen politely (one person talks at a time), how to carry a mat, how to unroll and roll a mat, and how to carry a tray! At the same time, the Aspen children also learned our Good Morning Song and the Days Of The Week Song! Ask your child to sing them for you! In fact, this week we even began our calendar work learning the names of the Days Of The Week and how to find the date on a calendar! We were also very lucky to celebrate three Birthdays!!! Thank you to those children and their families who brought in special treats for us to celebrate!!

This week Aspen also got to begin their Enrichment schedules! We had music with Ms. Lisa, Art with Ms. Lindsey, and Science with Mr. John!! We had so much fun in each of our Enrichment Classes and the Aspen students excited to learn more!!

Next week, Aspen will be learning all about Seasons and The Months! See you on Tuesday!!!

Fun with Kindergarten Follow-Up work!! Tracing the Fish Puzzle.

Learning about the Continents!

Cylinder Block Extensions!!

Learning all about quantities with the Number Rods and Cards!

Exploring Practical Life activities! Learning how to weave ribbons!!

Using “Sound Detective” skills to match picture clues to their corresponding letter sounds!!!

A Peek At Our Week | Ms. Kristen’s Class | Week of May 21st

This last week and a half has flown by! First we learned all about Reptiles and Amphbians! We learned that reptiles are cold blooded and that most lay eggs. We also learned that most reptiles leave their babies alone, except for the crocodile We also learned that amphibians are also cold blooded and have smooth, moist skin! We also had fun identifying all the types of animals we have learned about at the Akron Zoo on our field trip!

We also talked about Summer Safety during the final few days of school. We learned that 911 is the number to call in an emergency. We also talked about strangers and about the safe adults we can trust. We also talked about making sure we always wear helmets when skating, riding our scooters, or riding our bikes outside.


These two friends are working on the Story Cards! They are placing the cards in sequential order to tell a story! This material helps to prepare the child for reading!


These two girls worked so hard to complete several addition equations using the small Table Top Number Rods!

We had so much fun at the Akron Zoo! Thank you to all of our parents and grandparents who chaperoned!


It has been a wonderful school year! I consider it an honor and a privilage to teach your children! As Maria Montessori said, “If help and salvation are to come, they can only come from the children, for the children are the makers of men.” Your children are truly a ray of hope and sunshine in my life!

Have a wonderful and safe Summer and we’ll see you in August!


A Peek At Our Week| Ms. Kristen’s Class| Week of May 14th

This week, we learned All About Birds! We learned that all birds have a beak, two wings, two legs, have feathers, and are warm blooded. We also learned that not all birds fly! We also learned the french song ” Alouette” which is a song about a lark and and we also learned the Parts of The Bird.


Working on shading colors from darkest to lightest using Color Box 3!

This shy little one just completed an extention of the Pink Tower and Brown Stair!

Practicing recognizing initial sounds using the I Spy Basket!


Grandparents Day!


Thank you to all the wonderful grandparents who came on Thursday to spend the morning with your grandchild! It was such a wonderful morning!


A Peek Into Next Week:

-All About Reptiles and Amphibians



A Peek At Our Week| Ms. Kristen’s Class| Week of May 7th

This week, we learned all about Mammals. We learned the mammals are warm blooded, breathe oxygen from the air, and give birth to their babies. We learned that a Blue Whale is the largest animal in the world! We also learned that a Duck Billed Platypus is also a mammal, even though it lays eggs!

Working together to complete the 45 Layout! This material aides the child in understanding how to count by 1’s, 10’s , 100’s, and 1000’s. Later on, the child will take this knowledge and compose numbers into the 1000’s using the Golden Beads.

Working together on the fabric box! When working on this material, one child is blindfolded and tries to match the different fabrics by touch! This aides the child in developing their sense of touch!

Matching the letters of the Moveable Alphabet to the printed cursive letters on paper!

Working on the Musical Alphabet and the names of the notes on the Trebel Clef staff!

This little one is so focused on tracing her quatrefoil! This material aides the child in steadying their hand for Handwriting!

A Peek At Next Week:

-All About Birds

A Peek At Our Week| Ms. Kristen’s Class| Week of April 30th

This week, we learned all about Insects! We learned that insects have three segments to their body: head, thorax, and abdomen. They also have six legs and two antenna. We also learned about the Life Cycle of the Butterfly and how the butterfly starts of as an egg, then the egg hatches and out comes a caterpillar! The caterpillar then eats and eats and spins a chrysalis and after several weeks, emerges as a butterfly!

Working on her Visual Discrimination using the Knobbed Cylinders and combining all of the Cylinders togther for a challenge! This material helps indirectly prepare the child for the Math area as well!


Working on the Go-Together Cards! This material is a great pre-reading material!


Practicing her reading skills with Ms. Mel using Phonics Folder 1!


We made our own Butterfly Life Cycle depiction durring Pre-School Group Time on Thursday afternoon!


A Peek Into Next Week:

-All About Mammals


A Peek At Our Week| Ms. Kristen’s Class| Week of April 23

This week, we learned all about Outer Space! We learned the names of all the planets in our solar system. We also learned that our Sun is a star! We also learned that all the planets orbit the Sun! We also learned that one orbit of the Earth around the Sun takes one year! We also learned about the International Space Station and watched a video clip of Neil Armstrong walking on the Moon!

Working on the Triangle Box! When using this material the child construct an Equilateral Triangle in several different ways! This is also great preparation for Geometry later!


This child is perfecting his fine motor skills and pincer grip by using the Bead Drop work from the Practical Life area of the classroom!


This sweet girl said, ” Ms. Kristen, my mommy doesn’t know about the dwarf planets!” We decided to write their names down so she could show her mommy later!

A Peek Into Next Week:

-All About Insects

A Peek At Our Week| Ms. Kristen’s Class| Week of April 2nd

This week, we continued to learn all about Australia! We learned that in Australia, people greet one another by saying ” G’day!”. We also read a story about a baby kangaroo called ” Pouch”, and we learned that baby kangaroos are carried by their mothers in a pouch on their body. We also learned that Australia used to be called New Holland!

Proud of his shoe tying!


Matching the Geometric Solids to their bases! This material aides the child in refining their perception of two demensional forms. It is also indirect preparation for geometry!


Proud of her work on the Snapping Frame! This material is designed to teach the child how to fasten clothing with snaps. In addition, it aides the child in developing their concentration, coordination, and independence.


Working on cursive lower case letter formation from the Handwriting area!


These two sweet girls are working on the 9 Tray together! This material is designed to reinforce the naming of quantities and symbols. The child counts by 1’s, 10’s, and 100’s and ends with discovering there are 10 hundreds in 1000, 10 tens that make up 100, and 10 units that make up one ten!


Reid’s dad came to read us a story about a little boy who wanted to be a Hippopatamus! So fun!


Anna, a former student in our classrom, came to visit and read to us!

A Peek Into Next Week:

– All About Asia

A Peek At Our Week | Ms. Kristen’s Class | Week of March 20th

This week, we began to learn about Australia. We learned that Australia’s Summer is durring our Winter here in Ohio! We also learned that kangaroos, wombats, and koalas live in Australia! Ms. Mel also practiced some Japanese vocabulary with our students durring our Afternoon Group Lesson Time! We also had so much fun on our Pajama and Movie Day, we were able to watch great movies with the Best VPN made a netflix guide!

This sweet girl is practicing writing her numbers using the chalkboard! I watched her as she traced each sandpaper number with her fingers and then copied the numbers onto her chalk board!

This child is working on the Addition Snake Game! She is using this material to add groups of numbers to make denominations of ten!

These two friends are working together to trace the Map of South America Puzzle!


Mason’s Grandma’s both came to read to us!  


A Peek At The Week After Spring Break:

-Continuing to learn about Australia.

-Beging practicing for the Festival


A Peek At Our Week| Ms. Kristen’s Class| Week Of March 12th

This week, we learned all about Ohio! We learned that Ohio is the name of our state and it’s capital city is Columbus. We also learned that our state bird is the Cardinal and our state flower is the Carnation! We also learned that our state tree is the Buckeye Tree, which is why Ohio is refered to as the Buckeye State! Did you know that Iroquois tribe also gave Ohio it’s name? The children also enjoyed learning some Chinese phrases and words with Ms. Mel durring our Afternoon Group Time! We also had some fun on Friday reading some St. Patrick’s Day stories!

Working on the Sushi transfer work from the Practical Life Area! Using the chopsticks to move the pieces of sushi from one bowl to the other aides the child in developing their senses of order, concentration, coordination, and independence!


Practicing Yoga using our Yoga mat and cards. Yoga helps the child to develop self-regulation, gross-motor skill, and concentration!


Copying our classroom calendar!


Working on the Handwashing Work from the Practical Life Area! When working on this material, the child learns to remember and follow multiple-step instructions in order to complete the activity on their own!


These two friends are working on the Triangle Box together! While working on this material, the child discovers differerent figures which can can be constructed from right angle scalene and obstuse angle scalene triangles! It is also indirect preparation for Geometry!


Our class also had a visit from a tricky Leprechaun who made a mess in our classroom!

A Peek Into Next Week:

-All About Australia