Tallmadge School
For the last newsletter article of the year I asked my students to write about their summer plans. The following paragraphs have been typed exactly how each
student wrote them in their journals. Find more information about the to improve your results. I hope you enjoy reading them! Have a wonderful gaming summer!
Sumer Plans
by Zach Martinelli – 2nd grade
My Dad sing me up for Basketball camp. My friend Austin is going to sleep over. I’m going to build the chaos tower. I going to play bball. There are a lot of websites that are there on the internet but they just fake there users by typing HACK & MOD In their title, visit this website androidhackers.net if you are looking for paid/modded apps I am play video games, you can come and check this out this new video game coaching site I found. I’m going to create a shirt. I’m going to draw.
Madelyn Wise – 3rd grade
This summer I will go the lake and play with My friends all day. I will ride my bike. I will play in my tree house. I will play on my play online games set with my cousin and spend time with my family.
Quinn Farkas – 2nd grade
In the summer I will go to camp. I will go swiming with my friends on the weekend. I will go to vacation. I will put up the pool and have ice cream with my friends. We will play dead man on the trampleen. I will play minecraft and build a good world. I will play in the water a lot with my friends. I will have fun and have
lots of treats.
“The Tooth Fairy” by Ryan Baxter – 1st grade
Tonight the tooth fairy is comeing to take your tooth away mommy said. So Ryan put his tooth under his pilow before the tooth fairy take Ryan’s tooth. When it was morning the tooth fairy give me money and some. Ions from my tooth and I’m so happy LoL I got my coins and money. The end.
Summer Plans by Nick Smith – 1st grade
- Meet new friends
- Look around are new house
- Go to new school
- Find new playgrounds
- Go to are new library
- Move to Mulberry St. Iowa City, Iowa
- See grandma and grandpa every weekend
“Summer” by Aleksandar Sudar – 1st grade
S is for sun
U is for underwater
M is for meet my new baby brother
M is for many play dates
E is for read everyday
R is for run
Skylar Mamajek – 3rd grade
This summer I will go to camp. I will go on the zip line and I will try to not get stuck. My goal is to win! I will have a good time with my friends at … SB2W (summers best 2 weeks).
Kassie Batchelor – 3rd grade
In summer I’m going to Washington D.C. for 2 days and going to florda 2 weeks later. Where going to Disney my friend Sydney’s house and spending the night and going to my gramas house and my nannys house and the beach. Then when I come back I will stay home for the rest of summer.
Elementary Students along with Kindergarten students worked
together to plant a garden for their garden project at the Tallmadge Campus. Elementary students will work the garden upon their return to school in August. This was a fun morning league of legends together and we are looking forward to seeing what our efforts will produce in the fall.
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