Academic Enrichment | week of November 6th | Tallmadge

The kindergarten students have been working hard on learning both static and dynamic addition using the golden beads. They have even started working on more abstract materials like the stamp game and dot board to solve problems.

Equivalence: The students are learning that the word equivalence means to be equal or equivalent in value . They are discovering that 10 units are equivalent to 1 ten, 10 tens are equivalent to 1 hundred and that 10 hundreds are equivalent to 1 thousand.
Dynamic Addition: This child is doing dynamic addition using the golden beads. Dynamic addition simply means addition where we need to carry over an amount. The process is similar to static addition  except if the child has a group of ten he/she will need to exchange. Exchanging takes place when the child is combining the beads.
Dynamic Addition: This child is doing dynamic addition using the golden beads. Dynamic addition simply means addition where we need to carry over an amount. The process is similar to static addition  except if the child has a group of ten he/she will need to exchange. Exchanging takes place when the child is combining the beads.
Dynamic Addition: This child is doing dynamic addition using the golden beads. Dynamic addition simply means addition where we need to carry over an amount. The process is similar to static addition  except if the child has a group of ten he/she will need to exchange. Exchanging takes place when the child is combining the beads.

A Look Into Next Week: Continue Dynamic Addition (exchanging)

  • Introduction of exchanging 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s
  • Using single units, 10 bars, 100 squares and 1000 cubes

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