The kindergarten students have been working hard on learning both static and dynamic addition using the golden beads. They have even started working on more abstract materials like the stamp game, bead frame and dot board to solve problems.
Dot Board: These children are learning to understand addition using the decimal system and are getting better at working with larger numbers. This work emphasizes the fact that in each category there are never combinations that come to more than 9, so it is just as easy to add tens of thousands together as it is units.Bead Frame: This child is using the bead frame to do dynamic addition. It is a more abstract way to work with the decimal system. When the child has ten units, tens, hundreds or thousands he has to focus on the process of exchanging. This child is also further familiarizing himself with the different categories: units, tens, hundreds and thousands. Bead Frame: This child is using the bead frame to do dynamic addition. It is a more abstract way to work with the decimal system. When the child has ten units, tens, hundreds or thousands he has to focus on the process of exchanging. This child is also further familiarizing himself with the different categories: units, tens, hundreds and thousands.
A Look Into Next Week: Continue Dynamic Addition (exchanging)
Introduction of exchanging 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s
Using single units, 10 bars, 100 squares and 1000 cubes