Focus Lesson: Weather
This week, we learned about Weather in the Cherry Blossom classroom. We discussed what types of weather we find here in Ohio, such as sunny, rainy, snowy, and windy. We learned that countries closer to the Equator have different weather patterns than we do and that we live in a temperate climate. We spent our week keeping a Weather Journal and were lucky enough to witness 5 different types of weather this week! Yay Ohio!
We also learned about the Water Cycle. Ask your child about evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. We ended the week learning about different types of clouds and the messages that they give us. Cumulus clouds tell us that the weather is good, and Stratus clouds tell us it is either going to rain or snow. But did you know that if you see Cirrus clouds that it will rain or snow within 24 hours?

Preschool Lesson: Colors
Our younger Blossoms learned about Colors this week. We reviewed Primary and Secondary colors, discussed hues and shades, and practiced our Rainbow order. We built rainbows, colored rainbows, mixed paint, and ended our week with a Green Scavenger Hunt!

Kindergarten Lessons:
Our older Blossoms learned to differentiate between consonants and vowels this week during Kindergarten Lesson. In Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop, our kindergarteners have started their poetry unit. They worked as a group to write these poems about a butterfly and flowers!

Enrichment Spotlight:
In Music class with Ms. Lisa, our Blossoms were introduced to the piano. They each had a turn to play a duet with a classmate!

Special Visitors:
We had two special visitors to our class this week! Elementary students came to show us their Science Experiment. They put rice into cups and then spoke nicely to one cup of rice and spoke meanly to another cup of rice. The cup they spoke kindly too grew a little bit of mold, the cup they spoke meanly to grew a lot of mold! Next, they are going to try the same experiment with plants!

One of the parents of an Aspen student gave us a presentation about Pakistan! She showed us the map of Pakistan, the clothing people wear there, what their schools and vehicles look like, and what sort of food they eat. We loved learning more about this country found in Asia as we begin preparing for the International Festival!
If you or someone you know would like to also come talk to us about another country, we would love to have them come visit us!

Indoor Recess:
As much as we love to go outside and play on the playground, we also have so much fun in the gym during Indoor Recess! This week we built an obstacle course! There was balancing, jumping, and running!

St. Patrick’s Day Shenanigans!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day from the Cherry Blossom Classroom! We built a trap as a class to catch that pesky leprechaun but Sean O’Keefe tricked us again! He ate all of the Lucky Charms we left for him, and left us a pot of chocolates to share! He also pulled out all of the green materials in our classroom and threw them all of the room!

Peek into Next Week!
Focus Lesson: Outer Space
Preschool Lesson: Layers of the Earth
Kindergarten Lesson: Nouns and Verbs
Important Dates: Spring Break – No School – March 27-31