A Peek into the Cherry Blossom Classroom – week of 1/30/23

Focus Lesson – Our Skeletal System

This week we finished our study of the human body with the Skeletal System! We learned that we have 206 bones in our body, our bones create blood cells for our body, and they hold us up so that we’re not just a blob. We learned the names of our bones: skull, ribs, spine, pelvis, humorus, radius, ulna, femur, fibula, and tibia. We practiced writing these labels for our bones, labeled a skeleton in class, and created a skeleton to bring home!

This Kindergartener and Preschooler are working with our skeletal system work. They are using a nonfiction book about bones to create their own labels and then labeling the skeleton that they built upon the work mat. Older and younger students working together is just one of the benefits of a multi-age classroom environment!

Preschool Lesson – Geometric Solids

Our younger Blossoms studied Geometric Solids this week! They looked at and touched a sphere, cube, cone, and cylinder. We looked for these 3 dimensional shapes within our classroom, and practiced throwing and catching a sphere!

This preschooler is receiving a lesson on the geometric solids from Ms. Sam. During a Montessori 3 period lesson, a child is introduced to vocabulary associated with these three dimensional shapes. The teacher will introduce the name for the geometric solid
This young preschooler is tactilely exploring the geometric solids and making connections between the three demensional shape and the two dimensional shapes that she is already familiar with.

Kindergarten Lesson

Our older Blossoms continued their study of subtraction this week, using the Golden Bead Materials and the Stamp Game. In Handwriting, they practiced writing phrases in order to get used to only picking up our pencil when we start writing a new word. Reader’s Workshop continued learning about blends and phonograms. And in Writer’s Workshop our young authors are publishing their books and preparing for an Author Share next week!

A Special Visitor!

A wonderful way to wrap up our study of the human body was with a special visitor – Ms. Taylor from Dr. Pollock’s office to talk to us about Dental Health! We learned that we have 20 baby teeth and 32 adult teeth. We also learned how to brush our teeth and how to floss. Did you know that you should brush your teeth for 2 minutes? Ms. Taylor also reviewed healthy foods and sometimes foods with us!

100th Day of School!

WE ARE 100 DAYS SMARTER IN THE CHERRY BLOSSOM CLASSROOM! Ms. Tonya and Ms. Sam are so proud of how hard these children have worked over the past 100 days of school, and wanted to celebrate with a pizza party! We also celebrated by placing 100 stickers on a paper, sorting 100 objects, making 100th day hats, and counting to 100 by ones, fives, and tens! But the best part was seeing your children dressed up like they are 100 years old!

100 Days Smarter!
We love these old men!
And these old ladies!
Sorting 100 items!
Making 100 Day hats.
We did 100 exercises!

Peek into Next Week:

Focus & Preschool Lesson: Dinosaurs!

Kindergarten Lesson: Introduction to Division

Important Dates:

Friday, February 10: Valentine’s Day Celebration

Friday, February 17: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS – Teacher Inservice Day

Monday, February 20: NO SCHOOL – President’s Day

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