Peek In Our Week | Mr. John’s Room | Week Of January 4, 2021

Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
We started to learn about our body and how it works.  We learned about our five senses (touch, hearing, sight, smell, and taste).  Did you know you can “feel” with any part of your body? Of course parents know that.  Who has not stepped on a Lego in bare feet and screamed in pain? But we associate touch with our fingers (hot/cold, hard/soft, rough/smooth).  We hear loud noises, quiet noises, high iand low noises, “Are we there yet?”.  We need light to see and if we close our eyes we can’t see.  The lights being turned on at 5 am on a Saturday morning.   There are good smells like cinnamon, vanilla and bad smells like a dirty diaper and vinegar.  My favorite was the taste test where we tasted sweet (sugar water), salty (salt water), sour (pure lemon juice), and bitter (unsweetened baking chocolate).  The children enjoyed “most” of the tastes.  Hehe!!!!






Below are some pictures of children eating unsweetened baking chocolate.

Using our senses of sight and smell they are thinking a yummy chocolate kiss.








A Message From Mr. John:



January Birthday:
A Montessori classroom consists of students ranging in age from three years to six years.  Here is our newest five year old student.


Did you know?
Spider webs were used as bandages in ancient times. Spider webs supposedly have natural antiseptic and anti-fungal properties, which can help keep wounds clean and prevent infection. It’s also said that spider webs are rich in vitamin K, which helps promote clotting.


Know Your Languages (Korean):



Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 14 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Hebrew) 


Peek In The Classroom:

One boy lent the other a helping hand putting together the United States Puzzle Map. One of the qualities I admire in the Montessori classroom is compassion.


Later that day after he helped the other student this guy became motivated to work on a puzzle map.


These three made a treasure map and trying to figure out where the treasure is located.


So happy to be reading again.


Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- MLK/diversity

Letter Of The Week- P p

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bun

Next Language is Korean


Upcoming Events:
*** MLK DAY January 18, 2021 ***  NO SCHOOL ***
***Don’t be that family that shows up and there is always one family that shows up,lol! ***


Academic Enrichment:
Weekly Theme:
We learned how to subtract with manipulatives. We learned what the Minuend and Subtrahend and Difference are.

5(minuend) – 3(subtrahend) = 2(difference)


I love the goofiness of my kinders.

We practiced writing sentences in cursive.

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Subtraction with no borrowing (Dynamic)

Synonym Of The Week: SKINNY: thin, lean, emaciated, scrawny, slender

Sight Words Of The Week: could who


Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

Something was different about her. I ask her if she was wearing contacts/not glasses, no. If she shaved her mustache, no. Then she emphatically told me she got a haircut!


Who is scared of a little cricket? Not this boy!


A leftover picture from Christmas of once a unicorn reindeer but now an… elephant?


YAY! It is 2021!!!


Your Kids Say the Darndest Things:









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