Themes of the Week
(in addition to Montessori Work time)
09/29: Down On The Farm
- Learning ASL farm animal signs
- Learning what animals live on a farm
- Life cycle of the chicken
- Making butter, learning about other foods made from milk
- Sink or float experiment with eggs
10/6: Healthy Eating
- Learning about the food pyramid
- Learning about foods that are beneficial for our bodies and what is “junk food”
- Learning the difference between fruits and vegetables
- Making a healthy snack as a class
- Singing songs that reinforce healthy food choices
10/13: All About Spiders
- Learning the parts of the spider
- Stories about spiders-”The Very Busy Spider” by Eric Carl, and we’ll begin reading “Charlotte’s Web
- Discuss the ways spiders are helpful
- Discussing the difference between arachnids and insects
- Learn about the spider life cycle
10/20: All About Bats
- Learning the parts of the bat
- Reading “Stellaluna”
- Learning about echolocation, and how it helps certain species of bats see
- Ven Diagram comparing bats to birds
- Making a “bat cave”
10/27 All About Pumpkins/Halloween
- Discuss how pumpkins grow and the pumpkin life cycle
- Discuss what we can make with pumpkins
- Decorating our own white pumpkin in class using crayons
- Taste testing pumpkin pie
- Singing songs about Halloween and Pumpkins
- Halloween Party Friday, October 31st!
Letters of the Week: Try to find objects that begin with each letter wherever you go with your child.
9/29: Pp
10/6: Yy
10/20: Ii
10/27: ie
Sight Words of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.
9/29: Pig
10/6: Yes
10/13: Sit
10/20: It
10/27: Pie
Things to do at Home this Month to reinforce our themes:
- Plan a healthy meal as a family. Include your child in the preparation.
- Ask your child to show you some of the ASL signs they’ve learned for farm animals.
- While reading to your child, point out the sight words they are learning this month.
- Pick out a pumpkin together with your child. Discuss with them what they have learned about how pumpkins grow, what foods we can make with pumpkin, etc.