May, 2019

Courtney Owens

Magnetizing magnesium: We made a solution with magnesium and iron (ferrous sulfate FeSO4). When we placed a magnet underneath the particles became magnetic because the Fe2+ from the FeSO4 solution turns into metallic iron Fe on the surface of the magnesium particles, while the Mg turns into Mg2+ and ventures out into the solution.We basically ended up with magnesium shavings covered with a thin layer of iron which will stick to a magnet.

Metal contest: First we prepared a copper sulfate CuSO4 solution and a tin chloride SnCl2 solution. Then we put pieces of zinc into both vials. When we put a piece of zinc wire into the solution of copper sulfate we watched a deposit of metallic copper form on the piece of zinc. The zinc forced copper out of its salt composition. The same happened in the vial with the zinc wire and the tin chloride solution. However, we noticed that the vial with the tin wire in the copper sulfate solution reacted slower than the tin chloride solution.

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