November, 2018

Courtney Owens

The past couple of weeks we talked about Thanksgiving and being thankful.  The children shared what their families do for Thanksgiving and learned that we all have our own traditions.  We talked about why the Pilgrims and Indians ate a meal together. Each child shared what they were thankful for to create a classroom thankful turkey.  We got a lot of fun responses.

We also talked about the Pilgrims and Indians.  The class found out the Pilgrims came from England to our country for religious freedom.  We read books about what the Pilgrims experienced during their journey on the Mayflower and once they landed at Plymouth Rock.

I want to send a big thank you  to all the parents who volunteered to bring supplies in to make the Harvest Party a success!

Work Time

Cursive Chalkboard Writing: This child is practicing writing her name on a chalkboard. She is developing multiple skills involving her eyes, arms, hands, memory, posture and body control.
Movable Alphabet: This child is identifying the sounds of the letters ‘j’ ‘k’ ‘h’ ‘l’ ‘i’ and ‘m’ and matching the cursive form to the print form.
Movable Alphabet: This child is saying the word of the object and phonetically spelling them: pagin for penguin, wolrus for walrus and asdnut for astronaut.
Zipping: This child is developing his independence and concentration while also gaining finger control and dexterity to manipulate a zipper.
Tying: These children are learning how to care for themselves and  are developing a sense of independence while refining their fine motor skills and coordination of movements to successfully tie the shoes.
These students are practicing their please and thank yous.

Guest Readers



Thanksgiving Break | NO SCHOOL | November 21 – November 23
Bring Your Parent to Work Time | November 30


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