Peek In Our Week “”” Mr. John’s Classroom “”” Week Of September 9, 2019

Line Time:
Healthy Habits!  We discussed how important our personal hygiene is. It is important that we wash hands, brush teeth, and take showers or baths.  When I say wash our hands I mean with soap and for at least thirty seconds (you could sing the alphabet song).  The same amount of time is needed to brush your teeth at least twice a day.  When taking a shower actually get wet, soap up, and rinse off. Do not be like my youngest who just sticks his head under the water and tries to convince me he is clean.  To remain healthy we must also exercise (walking, running, climbing, riding a bike, swimming…), eating healthy foods, and getting plenty enough sleep. with the right bed and mattress for this, which is easy to get at Mattress Factory.  if I ever catch anyone of my students smoking I will bop them!

Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 5 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek)

Doctor Jimmy and Mr. John:
If you are a music lover you will appreciate this message.  Have you ever had that one song or album that seems like it was just written for you?  It hits you in the face and goes deep into your soul.  For me I have two albums that changed me in many ways.  I am going to talk about the first album that made me feel this way.  It is The Who’s Quadrophenia. is the sixth studio album by the English rock band The Who, released as a double album on 26 October 1973. Set in London and Brighton in 1965, the story follows a young mod named Jimmy and his search for self-worth and importance.  As an adolescent there were similarities between Jimmy and I and I begged my parents to get me a scooter but it never happened.  I had a gigantic poster of the album cover, played the album until the grooves were worn (I am talking about an album/vinyl/ old school that was played on a record player purchased at Gold Circle in 1976.  For me this album was a big deal!  I was fortunate enough to see The Who last week and they performed many song from this iconic album with the Cleveland Orchestra supporting the show.  Needless to say, I was very excited and have a few stories about this concert that became one of the milestones of my life. 


 Peek In Our Classroom:

This scene depicts an older third year student giving a lesson to a new first year student. The beauty of the Montessori classroom is the classroom consists of multi age children and the older students take on the role of leaders who give lessons and enforce the rules.
This student is demonstrating how to carry materials/works. She has four fingers under the works, thumb to keep it in place, and pressed against her stomach.


This boy is working on a math material called the Ten Board. This work strengthens the correlation between quantity and symbol.


This student is rolling a mat (the correct way). The mat designates the child’s work space while working on the floor. There is a correct way to unroll a mat and a correct way to roll the mat.


This math material is called the Spindle Box. Once again, the aim of this material is to develop the relation between quantity and symbol.


Next Week:
Line Time- Food Groups

Letter Of The Week-D d

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bag

Next Language will be- Japanese

Snack will be brought to you by Adelina


Upcoming Events:

Ramseyer Farms- Friday September, 20th
Have you child wear appropriate shoes.  Please no open toe shoes.

Picture Day- Wednesday October, 16th

——  When placing your children’s shoes/slippers on the carpeted mat in the hallway PLEASE have your child place them neatly, straight, and toes against the wall. ——

******* New parents sign up new parent conferences.  Follow the link below ********


Fun, Frolic, and Friends:

Two of my goofy Kindergarten Students


There is always that one student who marches to his own beat of the drum. Hehe


I am really not sure what these two are are looking at.


Lunch offerings for the rats. Foods drops on the floor and instead of throwing it away we just give it to the rats. And the rats LOVE it!






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