Peek In Our Week # Mr. John’s Class # Week Of November 16, 2020

Buckeye Room Bulletin

Line Time:
Native Americans/Thanksgiving-  We talked about Native Americans and how Indians were named Indians.  On student informed us that Christopher Columbus landed in North America but thought he was in India.  Hence, the name.  We talked about how Native Americans were indigenous.  Then the Pilgrims came over from Europe on a ship called the Mayflower.  The pilgrims had a rough go of it at the beginning because they didn’t have enough blankets or food.  They could not just go to Target or Giant Eagle to get supplies because at that time there were just woods and wild life. 



A Message From Mr. John (The info/stories that come home):



What’s The Diff?:
What is the difference between seeing a concert and seeing a show?  I am thinking when you use the term “show” it is a small, intimate venue with about 200 of your closest friends (Musica, Peobody’s Down Under).  A concert most likely will be held in a venue about 2,000+ people (Blossom, The Q).  As you can tell I like “shows”.  These are some pics where I was leaning onto the stage of the last two “shows” I attended.  Lol.  What was the last thing are you saw, a show or a concert?

Musica located downtown Akron.


Some old, really cool, small hall in Columbus Ohio


Know Your Languages (Hebrew):


Cultural Subjects:
Your children can now count to ten in 14 languages (English, Latin, Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Japanese, Arabic with the Lebanese dialect, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog) 


Peek In The Classroom:

The ever so popular Montessori material called the Color Bead Bars. This is a Math material enforces the relationship between number/symbols and the appropriate quantity.


She is working on the Stamp Game which is a Math material. She is working on multiplication equations that “carry over more than once”  for example (7×5).


This student is working on the Trinomial Cube. As with all Montessori sensorial materials, the Trinomial Cube has both a direct and an indirect purpose. The direct purpose of the Trinomial Cube is for the child to practice the steps to properly disassemble and build the cube, while refining dexterity and visual acuity.


This student is working on a sorting work which can be found in the Practical Life or Sensorial area.  Maria Montessori’s sensorial work uses “sorting” in specific ways that work to use all of the child’s senses, one at a time, in order to refine them. The goal is to train the brain to create more organized thoughts and ways of retrieving information.


Peek Into Next Week:
Line Time- Thanksgiving 

Letter Of The Week- M m

Rhyming Word Of The Week- bop

Next Language is Hebrew


**Did you noticed that the letter of the week and rhyming word of the week are  Mm Bop!**

I couldn’t resist, lol


Upcoming Events:
Thanksgiving Break:  We are off Wednesday November 25th and returning Monday November 30.


Academic Enrichment:
Weekly Theme:
We learned how to multiple to the thousand static/column without carryovers with manipulatives.  I told the students that multiplication is merely adding multiple times.  We learned what the multiplicand and multiplier are.

Strike a pose.

We practiced writing sentences in cursive.

Next Week:
Weekly Theme: Multiplication with manipulatives

Synonym Of The Week:

Sight Words Of The Week: 


Friends, Frolic, and Fun:

I told them they need flat heads to balance the books on their head.


Matching lanyards


I heard “I have a bear on my butt” and this is what I see.


I asked her to get the book titled “Red Hen” and she comes back with this. She thought it was sooooooo funny!


Your kids Say The Darndest Things (Why I Like Cats):
Follow the link to get to a child talking about cats.  Maybe you do not have to follow the link, lol.