A Peek at Our Week | Elementary | Week of October 21

“A grandparent’s love never grows old.”

Our Grandparents’ Day was such a blast! Our grandparents enjoyed three songs performed by our students. Two of the songs were popular songs and the third was written by our students! Our piano students each played solos in between the songs. After the music portion of our program, our students performed their play, “Give Me Back My Bones.” When our play was finished, we completed a few activities with our grandparents – “GRANDO” (our grandparent version of BINGO), a Venn Diagram about our similarities and differences, and a list of changes in pop culture between now and when our grandparents were young.

Everyone is concentrating on finding the words in “GRANDO.” Our winners had to stand and tell us the things they love to do together!
This family is listing their similarities and differences as they continue to learn more about each other!
One of our second year students performing “Forest Drums!”
After our “Bones” performance! You can come see this play Thursday, October 31, at 8:30 am in our gym!

Lower Elementary by Ms. Marlee

Our word study shelves have several options for students to explore different elements of language. This second grader is working towards matching a set of synonym cards. This work helps strengthen language acquisition and broadens the child’s knowledge of words and how to use them in appropriate context.
Here, two first grade students are working to complete the 6-chain. The students are working towards laying out all of the multiples of 6 with small, numbered tags. For every 6th bead there is a new tag that the child lays on the rug. When the work is complete the child can see the all the multiples of 6 up to 216 (its cube). This and the other bead chains prepare the child for more abstract math work in the classroom and builds their knowledge of math facts. You can click on the link to find out more about the bead chains.

Upper Elementary by Ms. Ashley

These fourth year students are finding the multiples of nine. Using the pegboard to find multiples of numbers helps students recognize common multiples and rules for divisibility.
These students have worked all week preparing a geography game for their peers called “Continental Challenge.” The board has many squares for each continent, as well as, bonus and jail squares! These students even created their own dice to include all the numbers they needed and bonus points! They have inspired other students to create board games about their own interests.


  • Thursday, October 31, 8:30 – “Give Me Back My Bones” performance in our gym. All parents are welcome!
  • Friday, November 1, 8:15 – Drop off at Cuyahoga Falls Campus for our Halloween play performance.
  • Friday, November 1, afternoon – Student-only Halloween Party. Email to come today about these events!

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