Aug/September Academic Enrichment Overview | Tallmadge Campus

8/22: Continent globe & map

  • Intro to globe & maps
  • Characteristics of globe & maps
  • Identify Continents
  • Review of three countries in each Continent and fun facts!

8/29: Directions

  • Recap of Continents/Review of three countries in each Continent and fun facts!
  • North, South, East & West
  • Work on the directions using Continent Map

9/5: Hemisphere / Equator

  • What are hemispheres? North/South/East/West hemispheres
  • What is the equator? Location of equator

9/12: Bodies of water surrounding North America

  • Review Hemispheres/ Equator
  • Hudson Bay (N)
  • Atlantic Ocean (E)
  • Gulf of Mexico (S)
  • Pacific Ocean (W)

9/19: Ohio and surrounding States

  • Ohio (location, characteristics, facts, abbreviation, flower, tree, mammal, fossil, flag)
  • Pennsylvania (nickname, abbreviation) Kentucky (nickname, abbreviation)
  • West Virginia (nickname, abbreviation) Indiana (nickname, abbreviation) Michigan (nickname, abbreviation)

9/26: Ohio and surrounding States

  • Ohio (location, characteristics, facts, abbreviation, flower, tree, mammal, fossil, flag)
  • Pennsylvania (nickname, abbreviation) Kentucky (nickname, abbreviation)
  • West Virginia (nickname, abbreviation) Indiana (nickname, abbreviation) Michigan (nickname, abbreviation)

Synonyms of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.
8/22: FUN, amusing, entertaining, enjoyable, merry, pleasant
8/29: FAST, hurried, speedy, brisk, quick, swift,
9/5: SAD, miserable, gloomy, depressing, downtrodden, glum, unhappy
9/12: SLOW, unhurried, gradual, sluggish, stagnant, lethargic
9/19: BORING, drab, dull, lifeless, mundane, monotonous

9/26: ACTIVE, lively, energetic, dynamic, vigorous, hasty

Things to do at Home this Month:
Ms. Courtney will be sending homework home to reinforce these lessons. Please turn homework in each morning. Please email her if you have any questions:

Aug/September 2016 Academic Enrichment Lesson | Cuyahoga Falls Campus

Themes of the Week  (in addition to Montessori Work time)

 8/22:       Continent globe & map

  • Intro to globe & maps
  • Characteristics of globe & maps
  • Identify Continents
  • Review of three countries in each Continent and fun facts!


8/29:       Directions

  • Recap of Continents/Review of three countries in each Continent and fun facts!
  • North, South, East & West
  • Work on the directions using Continent Map


9/05: Hemisphere / Equator

  • What are hemispheres? North/South/East/West hemispheres
  • What is the equator? Location of equator


9/12: Bodies of water surrounding North America

  • Review Hemispheres/ Equator
  • Hudson Bay (N)
  • Atlantic Ocean (E)
  • Gulf of Mexico (S)
  • Pacific Ocean (W)


9/19- 9/26: Ohio and surrounding States

  • Ohio (location, characteristics, facts, abbreviation, flower, tree, mammal, fossil, flag)
  • Pennsylvania (nickname, abbreviation) Kentucky (nickname, abbreviation)
  • West Virginia (nickname, abbreviation) Indiana (nickname, abbreviation) Michigan (nickname, abbreviation)


Sight Words of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.

8/22: go, has

8/29: will, him

9/05: up, so

9/12: see, her

9/19: are, was


Synonyms of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.

8/22: FUN, amusing, entertaining, enjoyable, merry, pleasant

8/29: FAST, hurried, speedy, brisk, quick, swift,

9/05: SAD, miserable, gloomy, depressing, downtrodden, glum, unhappy

9/12: SLOW, unhurried, gradual, sluggish, stagnant, lethargic

9/19: BORING, drab, dull, lifeless, mundane, monotonous

9/26: ACTIVE, lively, energetic, dynamic, vigorous, hasty


Things to do at Home this Month:

Mr. John will be sending homework home to reinforce these lessons. Please turn homework into the orange box outside of Mr. John’s classroom.  Please email him if you have any questions:


May/June 2016 Academic Enrichment Overview | Cuyahoga Falls

Our Academic Enrichment time is daily from 12:00-1:00pm. This time is specifically designed for our Kindergarten students to join together as a group to work and progress through the advanced materials and lessons in the Montessori primary curriculum. Throughout the school day in their classroom they are still working individually with their classroom teacher on these and other materials at their level.

Reading Group (Junior Great Book Program):
In March we began our focused reading groups for our kindergarten students. Kindergarten students are meeting with Ms. Kate on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Ms. Kate will keep you updated, most work will be sent home on Wednesdays and will need returned the following Monday for their next lesson.

 05/02:     Introduction to prepositions

  • Rules of the prepositions
  • Worksheets, diagramming sentences

 05/09: Introduction to interjections

  • Rules of the interjections
  • Worksheets, diagramming sentences

 05/16: Introduction to punctuation (end of a sentence)

  • Rules of the punctuation (end of a sentence)
  • Period, question mark, exclamation mark
  • Worksheets, practicing with interjections

05/23: Introduction to capitalization

  • Rules of capitalization
  • Worksheets, practicing our capitalization

05/30: Review of the year

  • Telling time, landforms
  • Coins, paper money
  • Mathematical operations
  • Geography


Sight Words of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.

05/02: word, when
05/09: which, what
05/16: there, their
05/23: way, my


Synonyms of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.

05/02: NICE, friendly, courteous, good, pleasant, charming
05/09: SNEAKY, underhanded, dishonest, tricky, secretive, sly
05/16: BRIGHT, shiny, glowing, dazzling, lighted, vivid
05/23: DULL, dark, dreary, somber, boring, tedious


Things to do at home this month to reinforce our themes:

  • Look for our words of the week when reading a story, cut out pictures beginning with the letters of the week.
  • Practice using the different synonyms of the week in a sentence together.


Mr. John will be sending homework home to reinforce these lessons. Please turn homework into the orange box outside of Mr. John’s classroom.  Please email him if you have any questions:


May/June 2016 Academic Enrichment Monthly Overview | Tallmadge Campus

Our Academic Enrichment time is daily from 12:00-1:00pm. This time is specifically designed for our Kindergarten students to join together as a group to work and progress through the advanced materials and lessons in the Montessori primary curriculum. Throughout the school day in their classroom they are still working individually with their classroom teacher on these and other materials at their level.

Reading Group (Junior Great Book Program):
In March we began our focused reading groups for our kindergarten students. Kindergarten students are meeting with Ms. Faith on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Ms. Faith will keep you updated, most work will be sent home on Wednesdays and will need returned the following Monday for their next lesson.

5/2: Introduction to prepositions

  • Rules of the prepositions
  • Worksheets, practicing with prepositions

5/9: Introduction to interjections

  • Rules of the interjections
  • Worksheets, practicing with interjections

5/16: Introduction to punctuation (end of a Sentence)

  • Rules of the punctuation
  • Worksheets, diagramming sentences

5/23: Introduction to capitalization

  • Rules of capitalization
  • Worksheets, practicing our capitalization

5/30: Review of the year

  • Telling time, landforms
  • Coins, paper money
  • Mathematical operations
  • Geography

Synonyms of the week
5/2: UNDER, below, beneath, underneath
5/9: QUICK, fast, swift, rapid, speedy, hasty
5/16: NEAT, tidy, clean, arranged, well-ordered
5/23: LOOK, see, glance, stare, gaze
5/30: FUNNY, silly, playful, crazy, foolish
Sight Words
5/2: some
5/9: time
5/16: write
5/23: people
5/30: many

Things to do at home this month to reinforce our themes:
-Look for our words of the week when reading a story, cut out pictures beginning with the letters of the week.
-Practice using the different synonyms of the week in a sentence together.
-Practice identifying different parts of speech when reading together.

April 2016 Academic Enrichment Monthly Overview | Tallmadge Campus

Our Academic Enrichment time is daily from 12:00-1:00pm. This time is specifically designed for our Kindergarten students to join together as a group to work and progress through the advanced materials and lessons in the Montessori primary curriculum. Throughout the school day in their classroom they are still working individually with their classroom teacher on these and other materials at their level. 

Reading Group (Junior Great Book Program):
In March we began our focused reading groups for our kindergarten students.  Kindergarten students are meeting with Ms. Faith on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Ms. Faith will keep you updated, most work will be sent home on Wednesdays and will need returned the following Monday for their next lesson.


4/4: Continue Pronouns

  • Rules of the pronouns
  • Worksheets, grammar symbols, diagramming sentences


4/11: Introduction to Adjectives

  • Rules of the adjectives
  • Worksheets, grammar symbols, diagramming sentences


4/18:  Introduction to Adverbs

  • Rules of the adverbs
  • Worksheets, grammar symbols, diagramming sentences


4/25: Introduction to Prepositions

  • Rules of the prepositions
  • Worksheets, grammar symbols, diagramming sentences


Synonyms of the week

4/4: NICE, friendly, courteous, good, pleasant, charming

4/11: SNEAKY, underhanded, dishonest, tricky, secretive, sly

4/18: BRIGHT, shiny, glowing, dazzling, lighted, vivid

4/25: DULL, dark, dreary, somber, boring, tedious


Sight Words

4/4: that

4/11: not

4/18:  see

4/25:  big


Things to do at home this month to reinforce our themes:

  • Look for our words of the week when reading a story, cut out pictures beginning with the letters of the week.
  • Practice using the different synonyms of the week in a sentence together.
  • Practice identifying different parts of speech when reading together.

March 2016 Academic Enrichment Monthly Overview | Tallmadge Campus

Our Academic Enrichment time is daily from 12:00-1:00pm. This time is specifically designed for our Kindergarten students to join together as a group to work and progress through the advanced materials and lessons in the Montessori primary curriculum. Throughout the school day in their classroom they are still working individually with their classroom teacher on these and other materials at their level. 

Reading Group (Junior Great Book Program):
In March we will begin our focused reading groups for our kindergarten students.  Kindergarten students are meeting with Ms. Faith on Monday and Wednesday mornings.  Please review the information sent home. There will also be work sent home on Wednesdays and will need returned the following Monday for their next lesson.

2/29: Geometric Shapes continued/ Vowel and Consonants  

  • Introduction to geometric shapes and constructive boxes
  • Geometric cabinet
  • Hexagon, rectangle and blue rectangle boxes
  • Creating triangles, rhombus, trapezoid, parallelogram, squares, etc.

3/7: Parts of Speech/ Grammar

  • Introduction to nouns and their rules (name of a person, place, thing or idea)
  • Introduction to verbs and their rules (action word or something you do)
  • Vowels, consonants and their rules
  • Using worksheets, diagramming sentences and sandpaper letters

3/14:  Parts of Speech/ Grammar

  • Introduction to the article (a kind of adjective always used with and gives information about a noun)
  • A definite article is the word “the”
  • An indefinite article is the word “a” or “an”
  • Using worksheets, diagramming sentences and sandpaper letters

3/21: Articles

  • Rules of the articles
  • Worksheets, grammar symbols, diagramming sentences

3/28-4/1: SPRING BREAK (school resumes Monday, 4/4) 


Synonyms of the week

2/29: WET, damp, moist, soggy, drenched, soaked

3/7: HEALTHY, hearty, athletic, sound, strong, fit

3/14: SICK, weak, unhealthy, ailing, infected, frail

3/21: MEAN, selfish, unkind, malicious, hurtful


Sight Words

2/29: he

3/7: go

3/14: we

3/21: in

Things to do at home this month to reinforce our themes:

  • Look for our words of the week when reading a story, cut out pictures beginning with the letters of the week.
  • Practice using the different synonyms of the week in a sentence together.


March 2016 Academic Enrichment Monthly Overview | Cuyahoga Falls Campus

Our Academic Enrichment time is daily from 12:00-1:00pm. This time is specifically designed for our Kindergarten students to join together as a group to work and progress through the advanced materials and lessons in the Montessori primary curriculum. Throughout the school day in their classroom they are still working individually with their classroom teacher on these and other materials at their level. 

Reading Group (Junior Great Book Program):
In March we will begin our focused reading groups for our kindergarten students.  Kindergarten students are meeting with Ms. Kate on Monday and Wednesday mornings.  Please review the information sent home. There will also be work sent home on Wednesdays and will need returned the following Monday for their next lesson.

2/29:     Geometric Shapes and Constructive Boxes

  • Handwriting Workshop with Ms. Kristen (practicing proper letter formation)
  • Geometric Cabinet
  • Hexagon, rectangle and blue rectangle boxes
  • creating triangles, rhombus, trapezoid, parallelogram, squares, etc

 3/07: Parts of Speech/ Grammar

  • Handwriting Workshop with Ms. Kristen (practicing proper letter formation)
  • Vowels, consonants and their rules

3/14: Parts of Speech/ Grammar

  • Handwriting Workshop with Ms. Kristen (practicing proper letter formation)
  • Introduction to nouns and their rules (name of a person, place, or thing)
  • Introduction to verbs and their rules (action word or something you do)
  • Vowels, consonants and their rules
  • Using worksheets, diagramming sentences and sandpaper letters

 3/21: Parts of Speech/ Grammar

  • Handwriting Workshop with Ms. Kristen (practicing proper letter formation)
  • Introduction to the article
  • “the” hooks up with anything
  • “a” or “an”/ “a” hooks up with only consonants, “an” hooks up with only vowels
  • Using worksheets, diagramming sentences and sandpaper letters

3/28-4/1: SPRING BREAK (school resumes Monday, 4/4)


Sight Words of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.

2/29: write, them

3/07: then, out

3/14: they, that

3/21: have, this


Synonyms of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.

2/29: WET, damp, moist, soggy, drenched, soaked

3/07: HEALTHY, hearty, athletic, sound, strong, fit

3/14: SICK, weak, unhealthy, ailing, infected, frail

3/21: Mean, selfish, unkind, malicious, hurtful


Things to do at home this month to reinforce our themes:

  • Look for our words of the week when reading a story, cut out pictures beginning with the letters of the week.
  • Practice using the different synonyms of the week in a sentence together.

Mr. John will be sending homework home to reinforce these lessons. Please turn homework into the orange box outside of Mr. John’s classroom.  Please email him if you have any questions:


February 2016 Academic Enrichment Monthly Overview | Cuyahoga Falls Campus

Our Academic Enrichment time is daily from 12:00-1:00pm. This time is specifically designed for our Kindergarten students to join together as a group to work and progress through the advanced materials and lessons in the Montessori primary curriculum. Throughout the school day in their classroom they are still working individually with their classroom teacher on these and other materials at their level. 

2/01: Exchanging

  • Decimal System/Exchanging 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s
  • Using single units, 10 bars, 100 squares and 1000 cubes

 2/08: Introduction to Multiplication

  • Exploring multiplication
  • Operations with the golden bead material
  • Practice with the nine tray and multiplication tables

2/15: Introduction to Fractions

  • Monday 2/15– No School (President’s Day)
  • Exploring Fractions
  • Fractional Insets (whole up to 1/12)

2/22: Geometric Shapes

  • Intro to Geometric Shapes, Constructive boxes
  • Geometric Cabinet


Sight Words of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.

2/01: first, than

2/08: other, some

2/15: more, these

2/22: would, about


Synonyms of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.

2/01: APPROPRIATE, suitable, fitting, apropos, correct, proper

2/08: BAD, incorrect, awful, unsatisfactory faulty, defective

2/15: GOOD, pleasant, fine, honorable, wonderful, valuable

2/22: DRY, dehydrated, arid, parched


Things to do at home this month to reinforce our themes:

  • Look for our words of the week when reading a story, cut out pictures beginning with the letters of the week.
  • Practice using the different synonyms of the week in a sentence together.
  • You can view this link to give you more information on how the math materials are used in the Montessori classroom You may also google the name of the work to find more videos and information on the purpose of that material.


Mr. John will be sending homework home to reinforce these lessons. Please turn homework into the orange box outside of Mr. John’s classroom.  Please email him if you have any questions:


February 2016 Academic Enrichment Monthly Overview | Tallmadge Campus

Our Academic Enrichment time is daily from 12:00-1:00pm. This time is specifically designed for our Kindergarten students to join together as a group to work and progress through the advanced materials and lessons in the Montessori primary curriculum. Throughout the school day in their classroom they are still working individually with their classroom teacher on these and other materials at their level.

2/1: Introduction to multiplication continued

  • Working with 9 tray / 45 layout
  • Using single units, 10 bars, 100 square and 1000 cubes
  • Working with stamp game
  • Working with dot board


2/8: Introduction to fractions

  • Exploring fractions
  • Fractional insets (whole up to 1/12)


2/15: Geometric Shapes

  • Introduction to geometric shapes and constructive boxes
  • Geometric cabinet


2/22: Geometric Shapes continued

  • Introduction to geometric shapes and constructive boxes
  • Geometric cabinet


Synonyms of the week

2/1: APPROPRIATE, suitable, fitting, apropos, correct, proper 

2/8: BAD, incorrect, awful, unsatisfactory faulty, defective

 2/15: GOOD, pleasant, fine, honorable, wonderful, valuable

 2/22: DRY, dehydrated, arid, parched


Sight Words

2/1: am

2/8: you

 2/15: down

 2/22: a


Things to do at home this month to reinforce our themes:

  • Look for our words of the week when reading a story, cut out pictures beginning with the letters of the week.
  • Practice using the different synonyms of the week in a sentence together.
  • You can view this link to give you more information on how the math materials are used in the Montessori classroom
  • You may also google the name of the work to find more videos and information on the purpose of that material.

January 2016 Academic Enrichment Monthly Overview | Cuyahoga Falls Campus

Our Academic Enrichment time is daily from 12:00-1:00pm. This time is specifically designed for our Kindergarten students to join together as a group to work and progress through the advanced materials and lessons in the Montessori primary curriculum. Throughout the school day in their classroom they are still working individually with their classroom teacher on these and other materials at their level.

1/04: Introduction to decimals/ columns

  • Intro to decimals
  • Learning what is and says ( 1, 10, 100, 1000)

1/11: Introduction to 9 Tray/ 45 layout

  • Recap of decimal system
  • Reinforce by placement and identification of numbers within each decimal place

1/18: Composing Numbers

  • Working with 9 tray / 45 layout
  • Using single units, 10 bars, 100 square and 1000 cubes
  • Reinforce number placement with creation of numbers

1/25: Addition

  • Introduction of addition
  • Using single units, 10 bars, 100 squares and 1000 cubes

Sight Words of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.

1/04: oil, people
1/11: come, number
1/18: could, who
1/25: now, made

 Synonyms of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.

1/04: LOUD, noisy, piercing, deafening, booming, crashing, boisterous, raucous
1/11: QUIET, peaceful, mute, calm, silent
1/18: SKINNY, thin, lean, emaciated, scrawny, slender
1/25: FAT, overweight big, bulky, heavy, plump

 Things to do at home this month to reinforce our themes:

  • Look for our words of the week when reading a story, cut out pictures beginning with the letters of the week.
  • Practice using the different synonyms of the week in a sentence together.
  • You can view this link to give you more information on how the math materials are used in the Montessori classroom You may also google the name of the work to find more videos and information on the purpose of that material.

Mr. John will be sending homework home to reinforce these lessons. Please turn homework into the orange box outside of Mr. John’s classroom.  Please email him if you have any questions: