Ms. Kristen’s April 2016 Monthly Overview

What I will learn this month (in addition to Montessori Work Time…)


4/4: Introduction To The Continents

-The location of the continents on the globe.
-Using the Continent Map Puzzle to locate the continents.
-Major countries of each continent.
-Landmarks, indigenous animals, and weather of each continent.
-Learning the Montessori Continent Song.

4/11: All About North America

-Learning all about the culture, traditions, and people of the United States
-Making a rain stick craft.
-Learning all about the culture, traditions, and people of Canada
-Learning all about the culture, traditions, and people of Haiti.
-Learning all about Costa Rica and making a Blue Morpho Butterfly craft.

4/18: North America (Cont.)/ All About South America

-Learning all about the culture, traditions, and people of Jamaica.
-Learning all about the culture, traditions, and people of Panama.
-Learning all about the culture, traditions, and people of Brazil.
-Learning all about the culture, traditions, and people of Argentina.
-Making a rainforest craft and a La Boca House collage.

4/25: All About South America ( Cont.)

-Learning all about the culture, traditions, and people of Peru.
-Learning all about the culture, traditions, and people of Chile.
-Learning all about the culture, traditions, and people of Equador

International Festival practice!

Letters of the Week: Try to find objects that begin with each letter wherever you go with your child.

4/4: Aa
4/11: Cc
4/18: Rr
4/25: Tt

Sight Words of the Week: Try to find each word in books as you read to your child.

4/4: and
4/11: can
4/18: rag
4/25: the

Things to do at Home this Month to reinforce our themes:

Try making a new recipe as a family from a country we’ve discussed in South America.

Discuss with your child their favorite animal that they learned about in the Amazon Rainforest.

Practice identifying the continents on a map of the world with your child.

Practice with your child the name of our planet, continent, country, state, city, and their address.

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